

Words Ke térəbl] ikiŋ] v] =rd] əli] ent(s) 3 ck What kinds of troubles did these people have? 本験談を取り上げています。 Case 1 (日本在住のバングラデシュ人男性) When the earthquake began, I didn't know what was happening. After the terrible shaking, I ran out of the house with my wife. We didn't know where to. go, so we drove to a supermarket parking lot. We stayed in our car for five hours. We were too scared to get out. Finally, we spoke to a police officer passing by. He guided us to the local shelter. I didn't know about it until then. Case 2 (旅行中だったフランス人女性) My friend and I took a day trip by train. On the way back, there was a big earthquake. Trains stopped running. The announcements at the station were in Japanese. We looked on the internet, but all the latest information there was in Japanese, too. Fortunately, there was a woman speaking to some Chilton2390 HOW travelers in English. She told us how to go back. [142 words] pp.82-83 Grammar 3 spoke to a police officer passing by. he police officer passing hy is my fir Eloda 現在分詞 現在分詞(...ing形)は、 すぐ前の名詞を後ろから 修飾して, 「・・・している (名詞)」と情報を加える。
Round 3 Think and Express yourself (1) P.62 Case2の場面で、次のようなアナウンスが流れてきました。 あなたなら、困っている外国人にどの ように伝えますか。 これまでに習った英語を使って、あなたが伝えられることを書きなさい。 ただいま震度5の地震が発生しましたため、 電車の運行を見合わせております。 復旧の見通しは立っていま せん。 緑駅方面には、 当駅東口よりバスのふりかえ輸送を行っております。


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

There have just been a big earthquake.
So the train cannot come here.
I do not know when the train will come here.
There is the bus in Midori station.
If you want to take the bus,you have to go to east



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