

V. 次の 36 36 37 1 - 38 39 40 2 3 4 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 40 の各組の英文の中で, 下線部に間違いがあるものを,それぞれ の中から一つずつ選びなさい。 The economist mentioned the necessity of reducing taxes. He once suffered a heavy loss on the stock market. We can't hope a quick economic recovery from the global recession. I'm searching all the folders on this computer for the missing file. The substance is said to have an anti-aging effect. There is a large difference in quality between the two products. Investors have a deep interest in the growing IT company. The typhoon has caused a great damage to the Kanto region. I didn't know our schedule had canceled until you told me so. I'd be at home having dinner now if I had caught the 6:00 train. Cindy moved to Los Angeles after she had graduated from college. Ron had been with the company for five years when he decided to change jobs. Dioxin is known to cause cancer in animals. The boy is being trained to be a pro tennis player by his father. She never imagined her husband to have such a serious disease. She invited her mother to stay with her while her husband was out of town. The new tax system was criticized for being too complicated. 2 The doctor felt his leg for checking if the bone was broken. This is a popular drug used for treating high blood pressure. I envy him for having many chances to travel abroad on business.


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