
中3 英語 Here We GO! の教科書42、3ページです。(見にくくてすみません)

From the Diary of Kawamoto Itsuyoshi 河本くんの日記。 紙が手に入りにくい時代だったので、 最後の日記は伝票の裏に書かれています。 10 April 4 (Wednesday), Sunny Today was a happy day for me. From today, I am going to commute to Nichu. I went to Hiroshima on the 6:50 a.m. steam train. Unfortunately, it was delayed. I was worried, "What will happen to me?" When I arrived at Nichu, the ceremony was already going on. After 1 explained my delay, they let me in. I sighed with relief. April 15 (Sunday), Sunny Today is the third Sunday. I went to school and at last we started to study. We had English in the first hour, self-study in the second, history in the third, and math 2 (geometry) in the fourth hour. I studied very hard. April 30 (Monday), Sunny For the first time, a bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. It was just before I crossed Enko Bridge. "Grr, thump, thump!" What a frightening noise it made! Then, a thick cloud of smoke rose up. I went there right away and saw a fire burning intensely. July 6 (Friday) Today was a work day. In the morning, we dug holes to bury glass. At lunch, I ate a loquat. Uehara gave it to me. I also ate some peas and a sweet potato. During our rest time at lunch, we played hide-and-seek. It was a lot of fun. In the afternoon, we carried tree branches. 前の広島県 (ドーム) WOL 1. What made Kawamoto worried on 2. Wh 広島の様子
アライブ (2) Did Kawamoto arrive at Nichu before the ceremony started? ビフォー セレモニー サブジェクツ (3) What subjects did Kawamoto have on April 15? ボム ドゥロップトゥ (4) When was a bomb dropped 'on Hiroshima for the first time? とアー (5) What did Kawamoto hear and see at that time? その時 コー ゲイブロークワット (6) Who gave a loquat to Kawamoto? who


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