

90 all ast wave inds. Some oked r 29 此題考「細節搜 「尋」。題幹問 解视 操作步图 解題要領 1. 掃描文字了解流程圖的作用與目的。 2將題目與流程仔細一一比對,一步一步走到結果。 3 留意每個步驟為選擇題或是非題,並特別留意括弧內的文字。 What can we |learm...?,將四 「個選項的內容, 備 |分別在流程圖及 搭配的文字中圈 「選出關鍵詞,即 可找到符合的選 項。 B Apple Fast Train: The fastest way to experience Apple Country. Don't want to wait in lines to buy tickets at the train station? No problem. Here is the way: to buy tickets on the Net. Check it out! A 30. 1. Where do you want to get on and get off the train? (We have 10 stops for you to choose from.) 2. When do you want to take the train? (Enter the date and time.) 3. Ticket type. One way. Return. Window seat. Adult. (Between 13 and 60 years old.) 4. Choose your train from the list. 6. Where do you want to sit on the train? Aisle seat. 7. How many tickets do you want to buy? Child. (Between 3 and 12 years old. ) Enter numbers. Standard 28. What is the reading about? (A) How to shop on the train. (C) How to choose seats on the train. Both are OK for me. 9. Enter your name and cellphone number. 10. Make sure your ticket order information. 11. Finally, you can pay here. 5. Class. 8. Do you want to eat meals or snacks on the train? No, thanks. Yes, please. Choose your meals or snacks. (More than 30 choices for you.) 137 Senior (Over 61 years old.) 29. What can we learn about Apple Fast Train? (A) People can't eat food on the train. (C) There are three classes for people to choose from. (D) People can buy tickets online or at the train station. What does it mean in the reading? (A) The way. (B) The list. Business. What js the reading about',從主題句中 提到在火車站中要做 和流程中提示的內容 做統整,即可找到品 (C) The train. 此題考「猜測字 意」,先看文章中 畫底線的字詞所傳 達的正確意思,再 return 來回 standard 標準 aisle 走道 的字詞,分別寫下 其意思,即可找到 正確的選項。 (B) How to get to the train station. (D) How to buy a train ticket on the Net. (B) Children over 2 should buy a ticket. (D) The ticket.





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children over two should buy "a" ticket.
children 實為複數 應該是這樣啦

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