
大家好,最近在準備模擬聯合國社的副社長面試,下面是我的一分鐘英語自我介紹,想問有沒有哪些地方是需要改的?(文法、用詞、內容之類的) 感激不盡😘

Hello everyone, I am XXX(我的名字), you can call me Hannah. I'm a quiet person who doesn't seem to talk much, but I'm actually very willing to communicate with people in a friendly way. The most important thing I've learned this semester is the rules of council , which I don't remember easily! I am a K-pop lover and I go crazy when it comes to K-pop. The reason I want to be vice president is that when I was growing up, I gave some people the impression that I was "okay at academic performance but not at speech", but I actually had dreams of being seen. I hope that by being the vice president of the club, I can prove that I have more abilities that are needed in life besides academic performance.


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

Hello everyone, I'm XXX, and you can just call me Hannah.

I'm generally a quiet person, but I'm actually quite friendly and open to having a chat.

"The most important thing......"
(不太懂你這句的意思,你用中文解釋一下,為什麼特別說最重要的事? the rules of council是指什麼?)

Now, let me share something that gets me really excited — K-pop! I absolutely love it and can get a little crazy about it.
(增加流暢度,那個"—" 講的時候要類似逗號停頓一下)

So, why do I want to be the vice president? Well, as I was growing up, some people thought I was just "decent at academics and not good at public speaking."
(增加流暢度,你所謂的speech是指"演講"(public speaking)、還是"不善表達"?)

But deep down, I've always had dreams of being seen and recognized.
(being seen一般使用上比較少用在你想表達的較抽象"被看見"的意思,用recognized會更明確,這裡甚至可以拿掉seen)

By becoming the vice president of the club, I hope to show that I have more abilities beyond academics that are important in life.
(can prove有點奇怪,偏中式英語,應該用show/demonstrate,後面也有改寫,academics的s記得要念好,漏掉會變形容詞)






3.你確定"聯合國會議的議式規則"是用"the rules of the council"嗎? 這是你們社團採用的詞彙嗎?
議事規則就我的理解該用parliamentary procedures,聯合國會議要用(MUN) conference
This semester, I've gained valuable insights into the workings of the council(可能要改成conference?), even though I must admit, remembering all the rules hasn't been the easiest task for me!

4. On a personal note, I'm a huge fan of K-pop. I absolutely love it and can get a little crazy about it.

5. Now, let me explain why I wish to become the vice president of this club.
Growing up, I gave off the impression that I was only decent in terms of academic performance, but not so great at expressing myself.

8. Thank you for listening, and I'm truly excited about the opportunity to contribute to this club as vice president.




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