


dod) bristetebnu od am 101 ◎区切りごとに意味をとりながら、 音読しよう。 海外で頻額をする上で大切なことは何ですか? I : ① What's important/when you perform rakugo overseas? // 新キャラクターがいないもと(原作)のストーリーを大切していると思います S: ② ©I consider it important / to keep the original stories,/ including the 10-1 lo stat 新 そうすることで、海外の環境 日本の文イルド settings and characters. // ③ By doing this, international audiences / 夢中になります。 become absorbed in Japanese culture. // ④ As a result, / they laugh more. // その聞、彼らはもっと笑います。 nothlists rol tod obratuo valg どうようにそれに気づきましたか。 ti 020 I : ⑤ How did you realize that? // .9m baiganos ed tedt gnieliqim アメリカでの公演で、破と気のエピソードを含む日本の計をしました S:⑥ In a performance / in the US / I told a Japanese story / which on inag muated nodw basing 4₁P 14. 15 onideoma included an episode / about a crane and a tortoise. //⑦I didn't think / 日本のツルノ、親しんでいるとは思いませんでした JLUS LGB なじみがある なのでそれ(ツルを the audience was familiar with a Japanese crane.//⑧So/Ireplaced it / ・知度は期待したほど笑いませんでoftome balsecoal フラミンゴに取りかえました。 with a flamingo. // ⑨ The audience didn't laugh / as muchas I had 911 その理由がわかりました 後で、 「フラミンゴ」という言葉は、 expected. // ⑩ Later, / I found out the reason. // ⑦ The word “flamingo" / 島で有名なフロリダに思いを馳せました。 brought their minds to Florida / because it's famous for those birds. // sw jedW. (I 私は彼の心を日本の世界に留めておく必要があることに気づきました。 12 I realized / I had to keep their minds / in a Japanese world. // as wear Fiotisioyami ogul we ad and thusiftib bail enidarue bib ted W (2
ポイントを読み取ろう ⓒI consider it important to keep the original stories, including the settings and characters. 解説 形式目的語 it の文。[consider + O (it) + 形容詞 + to 不定詞]で「〜することは…だと 考える」 という意味。 1oq voy Question keep the original stories とあるが、具体的には何を守るのか。日本語で2つ答えなさい。 設定 登場人物 te smse edt ai motisq 19:2 と insually dof ③ By doing this, international audiences become absorbed in Japanese culture. red t teamdaydı 解説 become absorbed in ~で「~に没頭するようになる」という意味。 Question doing this の内容を具体的に日本語で答えなさい。 日本の文化 ⑧ So I replaced it with a flamingo. Question 次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 なぜサンシャインはツルをフラミンゴド取りかえた? Why did Sunshine replace the Japanese crane with a flamingo? He didn't think the audience was familiar with a Japanese crane..... are als DubWHERS böhmonfig ⑨ The audience didn't laugh as much as I had expected. Fⓘ\\.faob Iona Question 次の文の Sunshine had expected the audience. they actually did. vioda su に適切な語を入れて、 ⑨ の文とほぼ同じ意味の文を完成させなさい。 to laugh Mane's rakugo more. than
内容を確認しよう mi tsbiano? 10 \ , frode no gred honeqqsd of ① 次の質問に英語で答えよう。 サンシャインによれば、 なにか、海外の聴衆を日本文化に夢中にさせるために? 1) According to Sunshine, what is important to make international audiences become absorbed in Japanese culture? To keep the original stories, including the settings and characters. 2) What did the American audience think of when they heard the word "flamingo"? Their minds to Florida.(because it's famous for those birds.). アメリカの観客は「フラミンゴ」という言葉を問いたときなに考えたご ②② ( )内に適切な英単語または数字を書き入れよう。 112 In a performance in the US, Sunshine performed a rakugo story that included an episode about a crane and a tortoise, and he replaced the (7 audience. with a flamingo, which was more (1 laugh ) to the American audience. However, the result was that the audience didn't laugh as much as he had expected ). From this SEE because the word "flamingo" brought their minds to (Florida experience, Sunshine learned that international audiences would laugh more if he ) world. Now he thinks (keep kept their minds in a (I Japanese the original stories is important. (G of offisage od (8


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

② 〇
③ 設定と登場人物を含む原作を守ること ← 前文の to keep … characters
⑧ He didn't think …. → Because he didn't think …. ※質問 Why? → 返答 Because
⑨ 〇
1) 〇
2) They(S) thought of(V) Florida(O) (because it is famous for those birds). ※( )はなくても良い
← 質問:What(O) did the American audience(S) think of(V) when they …?
ア crane ← 対話文⑦⑧ it=the Japanese crane 
イ familiar ← be familiar to … …によく知られている
ウ 〇
エ 〇
オ keeping ← he(S) thinks(V) (that:接続詞:省略可) <keeping(動名詞) the original stories>(S) is(V) important(C).


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