

Lesson 1 Grammar 動詞 1 次の各文の( 1. My brother really reminds me ( 2. I congratulated Sue ( ) passing her driving test. 3. The sun, which is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us ( heat and light. 目標 7分 内に下記の語群から適語を選んで補いなさい。 3. My brother ( a. believes 4. The band ( a.consists 4. He explained ( 5. The soccer team blamed their coach ( 【 for / of / on / to / with】 ) my father sometimes. ) me how the accident had happened. ) the 3-0 defeat. ) UFO's. 2 次の各文の( 内に入れるのに最も適当なものを選び, 記号を補いなさい。 1. I'm very fond of this old brooch because it ( ) my grandmother. a. belonged c. was belonging d. was belonging to 2. How long have you ( b. belonged to )? b. been marrying a. been married c. got married b. believes in c. is believing ) a singer, two guitarists and a drummer. b. consists of c. is consisting Writing 目標 → 3分 31.~4. は ( 内の語句を並べかえなさい。 5., 6. は英訳しなさい。 d. married. 3. Mother blamed (Jimmy / on / on / the carpet / the mud). (各2点) (各2点) d. is believing in 1. I would like to congratulate (from/graduation/on/you/your) high schoot. 2. We provided (for / a helping hand/those / were / who) in need. d. is consisting of (1~4:各3点/56: 各5点) 5. この歌を聞くといつも私はハワイで過ごした休暇のことを思い出します。 This song always 6. 彼は先生に遅れた理由を説明しました。 4. If you're not sure about the meaning of a word, (a dictionary/in/ it / look/up).


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

1. (of) ※remind A of B AにBを思い出させる
2. (on) ※congratulate 人 on … …のことで人にお祝いを言う
3. (with) ※provide A with B AにBを提供する
4. (to) ※explain to 人 人に説明する
5. (for) ※blame A for B BをAのせいにする、BのことでAを責める
1. b ※belong to 人 人の持ち物である
2. a ※be married 結婚している
3. b ※believe in … …の存在を信じている
4. b ※consist of … …から成っている、…で構成されている
1. I would like to congratulate (you on your graduation from you) high school.
2. We provided (a helping hand for those who were) in need.
3. Mother blamed (the mud on the carpet on Jimmy).
※blame A on B AをBのせいにする
4. If you're not sure about the meaning of a word, (look it up in a dictionary).
5. This song always reminds me of the holiday I spent in Hawaii.
6. He explained to his teacher why he was late.


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