
この問題がわからないので答えだけでもいいのでどなたか教えてくださいm(_ _)mちなみにワークは「未来につながる英作文」というものです。

動態 れた。」 して 人 EXERCISE BASIC SENTENCES EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE 3 空所に入れるのに最も適当なもの (1,4は誤っているもの)を、次のア~エのうちから1つ選び,記 TRY! 号で答えなさい。 The chairs in the dining room, which were in bad condition, were sent out yesterday to repair so that they might be available for my daughter's birthday. (2009 BIX) I 2 The result has ( ) into account. 7 to take 1 taken 3 The matter will () in this section. 7 cared of by 1 take care of to be taken be taken care of 1 has built I been taking イ 4 It was surprised that the musician postponed his show at the last minute due to ウ his illness. I be take cared of 5 It has been hard to concentrate on my studies lately because a road (=) in front of my house. (2008年度 センター試験本試 ) 7 builds I is building is being built 11 \12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 41
re, ČU 」とい VE BASIC SENTENCES EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE 3 TRY! 空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、 次のア~エのうちから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 It was ( ) I arrived at the airport that I noticed my passport was missing. 1 7 not until ✓ surprising but because I necessary 2 A: I have no idea what the professor wanted to tell us in the lecture. B: ( ). I was a bit confused by what he said. 7 Neither do I 1 Either do I So I do 3 A: The president has just announced she's quitting. B: ( ) There was no other option. 7 She had to. 1 Why is that? Are you sure? 5 私はあなたのご両親に会ったことがないので, お二人のどちらも知らない。 I've never met both of your parents, so I know ( 7 both ) of them. neither all (2013年度 高知大・前期) I Nor I do 4 You should know that a lower price doesn't () mean lower quality. 7 need necessary necessity 2013年度 CREA I I can't believe it. ← 立命館大) (2013年度 広島工大) I necessarily I every
未来につながる英作文 ミラ作 unit10 unit11 英語


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

1. ウ repair → be repaired ※主語がchairsなので不定詞の受動態 to be repaired となる 
2. ウ The result has to [be taken](受動態) into account. / We(S) have to take(V) the result(O) into account.<能動態>
その結果は考慮しなければいけない。 ※take O into account Oを考慮に入れる
3. ウ The matter will [be taken](受動態) care of in this section. その件はこちらの部署で対処いたします。
※<能動態> We(S) will take care of(V) the matter(O) in this section.
4. ア surprised(驚いた) → surprising 驚くべき、予期しない
5. ウ is being built:現在進行形受動態

1. ア 強調構文:[It was] not until I arrived at the airport [that] I noticed my passport was missing.
<普通の文> I did not notice my passport was missing until I arrived at the airport.
2. ア Neither do I.<倒置構文> 私も分からないわ。← I have no idea, either. <普通の文> 
A: 講義で教授が私達に伝えたかったことが全然分からない。
B: 私も分からないわ。彼の言ったことで私はちょっと頭が混乱したわ。 
3. ア She had to (quit).
A: 社長が辞任するとたった今発表したよ。
B: しなければいけなかったよ。他の選択肢がなかったんだから。 
4. エ not necessarily ~ 必ずしも~するわけではない <部分否定>
5. イ ~ neither of … …の両方とも~ない





You're welcome!😊

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