

Jack: Hi, my friends! I tried to study for today's test yesterday, but I could not! I wanted to read only one comic book for a break, but I could not stop reading others. I wish I could go back to yesterday! Emi : Oh, that's too bad. If I could go back to the past, I would tell myself as a child to practice tennis more. If I did that, I would be a better player! TOTO Ryo: Well, I don't want to go back to the past. If I could, I would think that Ⅰ could do everything over again That's not good. bloow Lily: Ryo, I think so too, Jack, if I were you, I would study without talking. We have some time before the test. Jack: Oh, you're right. Everyone, please help me if there is something I can't understand (注) past 過去 myself 自分自身 as ~のときに over again もう一度 (1) 恵美は、 どうすれば自分はよりよいテニス選手になれると言っていますか。 ( )に適する日本語を書 いて答えなさい。 109 Ownd (8) 子供の頃の自分自身)に対して、(もっとテニスを練習するように言い聞かせる )。 (2) リリーはジャックにどのような助言をしていますか。 日本語で答えなさい。もし私があなたならしゃべらずに勉強 (3) ジャックは放課後に、 恵美、 亮、リリーに話しかけました。 ( )に適する語を1話ずつ書き、 ジャックの セリフを完成させなさい。 sala esht Jack: Ryo, I thought that going back to the past was a good idea, but now Ⅰ think you are *right. If I went back to yesterday, I would do everything (over D (clo X ) again. I could do well in today's ②( ) because you helped me study. Thank you. *night 正しい


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①は(do) (everything) (over)

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