

E. 次の文の文構造を下の |内から選んで答えなさい。 ( 1*8) (N) The boys looked happy. (2) We will swim in the sea tomorrow. (3) I like his songs. 2011 (4) The movie made me sad. (5) My father bought me a smartphone. eud ant (6) I am not busy. now. heairons (7) Kate often makes me cookies. (8) Kevin gave a book to me. (S+V) (S+V+C) (S+V+O) <S+V+O+O> (S+V+O+C) F. 次の文と同じ文構造を持つ文を,下の内から2つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ( 15 完答) (1) They watched this movie last Saturday. (2) My sister became a math teacher two years ago. (3) My brother can run fast. (4) Her grandmother made hera bag. (5) We call this cat Momo. ア I borrowed some books from the library. X My cat is under the desk. ウ His uncle showed me some pictures. オIt is getting dark. 3 4 This story makes everyone happy. カ I didn't join the party last night. ク Please keep the room warm. キ His words sound true. 45 I sent Jane an e-mail. ▽ My grandfather walks in the park every morning. 2 次の Vision Quest Workbook の問題にそれぞれ答えなさい。 [30] A. 適切な冠詞を下線部に入れなさい。 冠詞が必要ない場合は×と答えなさい。 (1*5) 1. Take umbrella. 2. I have dog and a cat. dog sleeps under my bed. 3. He has useful information. 4. I don't have homework today. 5. earth. moon is smaller than B. [ []内の人称代名詞を必要に応じて適切な形にして、英文を完成させなさい。 (1*5) visited 1. 昨日、祖母の家を訪れた。 2. パーティーで彼を見かけた。 Isaw at the party. [he] 3. 彼は私たちにその写真を見せてくれた。 Tom showed 4. 私たちは彼らのサッカーの試合を見に行った。 We went to watch soccer game. [ they ] 5. 「これはあなたのものですか。」 「いいえ,それは彼女のものです。」 "" "Is this yours?" "No, it's [ she ] adysg grandmother yesterday. [I] the picture. [we] phiypla Baid edi


(1) SVC
(2) SV
(3) SVO
(4) SVOC
(5) SVOO
(6) SVC
(7) SVOO
(8) SVO
(1) ア、カ <第3文型:SVO>
(2) オ、キ <第2文型:SVC>
(3) イ、コ <第1文型:SVC>
(4) ウ、ケ <第4文型:SVC>
(5) エ、ク <第5文型:SVC>
1. Take an umbrella.
2. I have a dog and a cat. The dog sleeps under my bed.
3. He has ✕ useful information. ※information(情報):抽象名詞-数えられない名詞
4. I don't have ✕ homework today. ※homework(宿題):抽象名詞-数えられない名詞
5. The moon is smaller than the earth. ※the moon/the earth:the+一つしかないと考えられるもの
1. I visited my grandmother yesterday.
2. I saw him at the party.
3. Tom showed us the picture.
4. We went to watch their soccer game.


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