
รบกวนช่วยหน่อยนะคะ เราทำส่งครูไปแล้วครูก็ยังบอกว่าผิด

Answer these questions, Name M.2/ No. Example: What does a painter do? - A painter paints pictures. Does a dog run as fast as a horse? - No, a dog doesn't run as fast as a horse. 1. What does a writer do? 2. What does a teacher do? 3. What does a boxer do? 4. What does a typist do? 5. What do your parents do for a living? 6. What time do you get up in the morning? 7. How do you go to school every day? 8. Is your father older or younger than your mother? 9. Does your father weigh more or less than your mother? 10. Are you heavier or lighter than your brother? 11. Does a horse feed on meat or grass? 12. What does a cow feed on? 13. Does a cat climb a tree as quickly as a monkey? 14. Does a bird fly higher than a duck?
Answer these questions. NameThanigar Semv.anapanich M.2/ 1 No. 1% Example: What does a painter do? : A painter paints pictures. Does a dog run as fast as a horse? - No, a dog doesn't run as fast as a horse. 1. What does a writer do? A_writer 2. What does a teacher do? A_+eacher teaches a student- 3. What does a boxer do? A 4. What does a typist do? A_ 5. What do your parents do for a living?_ny_barents Arink watcr,sleep and eat for 6. What time do you get up in the morning?1 t up at 5 0 leck 7. How do you go to school every day? I sit the van 8. Is your father older or younger than your mother? My father is ๑lder than mg mother. 9. Does your father weigh more or less than your mother? My father พih is more than my mother. 10. Are you heavier or lighter than your brother? I_lon'+ 11. Does a horse feed on meat or grass? A_horse fced rass . 12. What does a cow feed on? A cow feed yrass. 13. Does a cat climb a tree as quickly as a monkey? No, a cat detsh+ clim b a +ree 14. Does a bird fly higher than a duck? Yes, a 'bird ly highte 4hah a dock. 15. Do boys talk as much as girls?_Ves, beys talk writes novel. fights with opponent . typist bfessts a. boxer typc.writer. in a living : e woreing to Schaol. have brether. as จuickly monkeg: irls.


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in my opinion นะคะ

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พวกสิ่งที่แต่ละอาชีพทำ ต้องเป็นพหูพจน์ไหมคะ อย่าง novels students


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