
問題2, 3は本文の何行目に書いてあるかを解答していただきたいです。

次の英文が映像の内容と合っている場合はTを、合っていない場合はFを選びましょう。 1. The producers take advantage of low electricity prices during nighttime hours. (T)/F 2. One great advantage of underground farming is the ability to closely control the growing environment. かりと (TVF 3. The prominent UK supermarket Marks & Spencer is considering selling produce from the underground farm. T/F)
つ。 Steven Dring: co0-founder of Growing Underground Charlie Curtis: agronomist at Marks & Spencer Narrator: Thirty-three metres below south London is not, where you'd expect to finda farm. But two years ago, this former air-raid '( shelter へ former かつての began to sprout rocket, coriander and even broccoli. Instead of using soil and natural light, the s rocket ルッコラ coriander コリアンダー plants grow thanks to LEDS and hydroponics using (hutrieht-rich) water. hydrophonics 水耕栽培 Steven Dring: Because we are in what is called controlled- ag) calture ), we have a lot more control than usual growers. So, we manage to 10 environment ( negate a lot of those challenges by the fact that we can control the humidity, we can control the heat. But there's nothing that stands out, that I would negate 無効にする say is a major challenge, apart from building a farm underneath London. challenge 難題 stand out 際立つ 15 Narrator: All of the electricity comes from renewable energy ), and the LEDS shine (1 ( C50urces brightest at night when electricity is cheapest. And 18 the farm has managed to bag some top-shelf clients, bag 獲得する top-shelf 一流の including supermarket chain Marks & Spencer. 20 Marks & Spencer マークス& スペンサー(英国の小売業者) Charlie Curtis: I think the story is fantastic. I think we all love to think that our food is grown locally to us. And, but I think also the product sells itself. The quality is fantastic, and the taste, and the flavour is like something I've never had before. It's brilliant. 25 Narrator: Currently around a dozen micro greens and salads are ( Cultivのteol ) here. And there's still sell itself 放っておいても売 れる room for new growth.
Steven Dring: So, this is_what the tunnel looks like before we start to put the farm( equipareht )in here. 30 So, as you've seen, we've given it a food-safe lining, we've painted the floors. And then, what this does, it gives us an additional storage capacity, so we start to expand and start to fulfill that customer demand that's out there. 35 food-safe lining 食物が安全 Narrator: The farm's founders say this type of farming is 100 times cheaper than overground urban farming. Not being at the mercy of British weather な内張り storage capacity (市場に 供給するための)生産スペース at the mercy of ~に左右 means a more reliable crop. And, as the world される (1apples ) with climate change and a 40 rapidly growing population, experts say farms like diaie y these could be the answer.


(2)ではこれを、to control the growing environmentとまとめています。

(3)はMark & Spencerが、ここで紹介されている農作物を売ることを検討していると書いています。






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