

cars TV. People who enjoyed singing even used rental cars as a practice space. 2ラ used our cars in more ways than we thought, said a perSon in one car rental re many rental cars from different car-sharing companies all over large cities in at makes them easy to find and get to. People can find them quickly with an*apn are also not so expensive to use for a short time. People can rent a car for about an hour. () That ( be / to / looking / may / someone / good) for a quiet place in a sive city with few private spaces. 距離 explain:説明する The Guardian newspaper : ガーディアン (新聞社) charge: 充電する リ つ内容に合うように、 次の a,bの ( ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを1つずつ選び、 さい。 ar rental Comnanies are surnrised to find
ーmany people in Japan don't rent cars to drive to some places, but they rent because they' re Japanese car rental companies have learned something interesting about their customers 【3】次のレンタカーに関する英文を読み、 looking for a quiet, private space. dgot ealo The Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbum says that in the summer of 2018, a car sharine COmpany called Orix Auto discovered that many of its cars "traveled no "distance" when the- were rented. The people at Orix couldn't *explain it. “(ア)The (can/we/ thing /is/only/ sav) this:a lot of people rent cars without driving them,” they said.ol Other car sharing and rental companies soon found the same thing. One car rental company learned that one out of every eight customers said they didn't rent their cars for driving. (1The companies were curious. If custonmers weren't renting cars to drive them, then why were they renting? They began to ask their customers some questions to learn more about what was happening. Then they found that customers were using the cars in (2)many surprising ways. For example, one popular reason for rental cars was sleeping. *The Guardian newspaper says that Japanese people sleep about 45 minutes shorter each day than people in other Countries. 93% of Jananese adults eoid thor did
あ.電話の充電をする。 い.歌の練習をする。 う、仕事の電話をする。 え、目的地まで運転する。 a o ohas V 10 yontesls he. 週4 下線部(ア), (イ)の( )内の語を日本語に合うように並べ替えたとき、 A と B に入れる 雪を答えなさい。 00 YOrne u8 omeg busod 100dte yar evedtuof cegat ot ge ア)私たちが言えることはこれだけです。lst of ason pig vusn LA- this The B 以静かな場所を探す人には良いかもしれません。 _A B for a quiet place That 5 次の a, bの質問の答えになるように、それぞれ( )に入れる最も適当な英語1語を答えな usisg sot g obi い。 What did car rental companies learn? drive


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