

12.Parallel Structure คำเชื่อม = and, but, or, as, than, like, except เชื่อมคำประเภทเดียวกัน - Nouns My best friend collects stamps, coins, and postcards. Adjectives The workers were ready, able, and determined to do a great job. ๑ Modified Nouns A positive attitude can lead to both physical success and spiritual fulfillment. ๑ Verbs She usually eats breakfast and has a cup of coffee in the morning. e Infinitives | would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid. Participial phrases Driving through the countryside and speaking to the people, Sam began to understand the culture better. ๑ Adverbs They encouraged us to work carefully and effectively. Abverbial Phrases They will arrive in less than an hour and in time for the meeting. ๑Clauses The salesman expected that he would present his product, that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, and that prospective buyers would ask him questions. 1. Many industries depend on air conditioning to keep the air in their plants clean 1 2 3 and cool, and controlling the moisture level. 4 2. A new born child responds to the world with reflexes such as grasping, sucking, 1 2 or it turns its head when touched on the mouth. 3 4 3. The domestic dog is generally loyal, courageous, intelligence, and adaptable. 1 2 3 4 4. Maps have lines, words, Symbolic, and colors that show the distribution and 1 2 3 arrangement of the Earth's geographical features. 4
13.Article ห้เป็น ประเภทของคำนำหน้านาม Indefinite (ไม่ชี้เฉพาะ) = a + เสียงพยัญชนะ an + เสียงสระ ("อ") a street, a house, a university, a nice lady an idea, an operation, an hour, an old city = the the table, the fนrniture, the building, the thought Definite (ชี้เฉพาะ) ามา " หลักการใช้ ไม่ชี้เฉพาะ ชี้เฉพาะ ใช้ T had a sandwich and an apple for lunch. = a / an นับได้เอกพจน์ = the She wants the green book, not the red one. นับได้พหูพจน์ นับไม่ได้ ไม่ชี่เฉพาะ = ไม่เติม Cats love to eat fish. / Water is essential. The water they use comes from this area. ชี้เฉพาะ = the บนาน + ลำดับที่ / เวลา ทิศ / Relative Clause / N. + Prep. Phrase / ประเทศที่มี s / ขั้นสูงสุด "The" ๑ No article + วิชา / ภาษา / กีฬา / มือ ฤดู / วัน เดือน ปี ถนน รัฐ / ประเทศ / ทวีป โรคภัย 1. Scientists have gained the great deal of information about the large animals - (adj.) 1 called dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago. 3 4 2 During twentieth century there has been much concern over the relationship 2 2. 3 1 between social conditions and mental health. 4 The National Air and Space Mนseum, which opened in 1976, had a million 1 3. 2 visitors in first twenty-five days. 3 4 4. One of most useful abilities students can develop in college is to think for 3 1 2 themselves, 4 35 ถอดรหัส Error Identification & Sentence Completion เหตุ สรม รบผิดชอง 30 พ.ย. งภาค dมฯ หวผู้ป่วย การทำเฝือก ภัย


ลองสังเกตในวงเล็บนะคะ แล้วเทียบกับคำที่วงกลมสีฟ้าว่ามีลักษณะเหมือนกันมั้ย เช่น เป็น Gerund ทุกตัวมั้ย ลองดูน้า



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