
お願いしますm(_ _)m

Meg : *Dad, may I ask you something? Father:( A ) Meg :I want to have a bird at honme. I watched an interesting TV program about birds. Some birds were so pretty and I am interested in them. 5 Father: Well, do you know how to have the birds? Meg : No, not much. But I'm going to leam how. If we have birds, we can enjoy watching them and listening to their beautiful songs every day. Father: All right. But before we decide, listen to a story. I read it when I 10 was a child. Meg :OK, Dad. Meg's father told her the story. *Once there was a young *prince. He studied very hard all day long. One of his friends said, “You study too hard every day. You should build a 1 have a *hobby. (C )”"OK,” said the prince.“Will you very large pet house for me?”“Sure. I will," said the friend. A few weeks later, the friend brought a large pet house to him. The prince looked at it and said, “Thank you. This is a very nice pet house. It looks strong, too. Will you go inside and show me it's very nice?” 2 When his friend went into the pet house, the prince *locked the door of the pet house. Then he said to his friend, “Please enjoy your life in this pet house until you die.(D)Ill give food to you every day. I'll also come and talk to you every day." “Oh, no, Prince! *Let me out!” He began to cry. 2 “Well, my friend. I know you are a kind person. You worried about my life and gave me *advice. But did you think about the *feelings of
Meg :OK, Dad. Meg s father told her the story *Once there was a young *prince. He studied very hard all day long. One of his friends said, “You study too hard every day. You should have a *hobby. (C)OK” said the prince.“Will you build a very large pet house for me?""*Sure. I will," said the friend. A few weeks later, the friend brought a large pet house to him. The 15 prince looked at it and said, “Thank you. This is a very nice pet house. It looks strong, too. Will you go inside and show me it's very nice? 20 When his friend went into the pet house, the prince *locked the door of the pet house. Then he said to his friend, *Please enjoy your life in this pet house until you die.(D)Il give food to you every day. I'll also come and talk to you every day. “Oh, no, Prince! *Let me out!” He began to cry. 25 “Well, my friend. I know you are a kind person. You worried about my life and gave me *advice. But did you think about the *feelings of I don't think you did,"" said the prince. “T'm the pet in the pet house? SOITY but I didn't," said his friend. “That's OK. Now please come out, my friend,” the prince said and opened the door. 30 Father: This is the end of the story, Meg. Meg : Thank you, Dad. ( E)I will put some food and water in our garden. *Maybe *wild birds will come to our garden. Don't you think so? 35 Father: Yes. We can enjoy watching them! (注) dad パパ, お父さん once 昔 prince 王子 hobby 趣味 lock ~にかぎをかける Let me out! 外に出して! advice 助言 feelings 気持ち maybe おそらく wild 野生の
(1)(A)~(E)に入る最も適当な文を次からそれぞれ1つずつ選び, 記 号で答えなさい。 イ Why don't you have a pet? エ You have nothing to worry about. ア ア I've changed my mind. ウ ウ What is it? エ オ Idon't think it's a good idea. カ Can I have some of the birds?


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友 :勉強をし過ぎだよ。何か趣味でも見つけたら?

王子は(建てられたペットハウス)の鍵を閉め、(ペットハウスを提案した友達)に言った(さぁ。君のペットハウスでの人生を死ぬまで楽しんで) ()
この( )の前後で()では何か心配していることについて触れられると予測できます。





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