

You're in Holland for a while, perhaps a few days, a few weeks or longer. 1. There seem to be more bikes in Holland than people. _2_. Keep to the right unless you are passing. If your fault has led to an accident, you will be punished. And it's unlawful to ride your bike under the influence of alcohol. In most cities and towns there are traffic lights just for bike traffic. This makes things much easier. If you're walking, be sure to avoid walking on a bike path. _3_. You may get sideswiped if you're not careful. Then lock the bike! If you don't lock your bike or don't lock it well, you might as well kiss it goodbye. _4_-a nice one for weekend activities and a second-hand bike to use in the city. Also, if you're renting a bike, say bye to the deposit if you don't lock it up. You may also want to have a plastic bag handy. It rains often in Holland and sitting on a wet bike seat can be uncomfortable. _5_. You can get ticketed for not having your lights on at night. Besides, it's safer. You can see a cyclist far away when they have the lights on and cars are less likely to get in your way. (A) Most people have two bikes (B) Much like driving a car, there are rules (C) The bike paths are for bikes, not for people (D) Make sure that the lights are in working order (E) The path can sometimes actually go into the street (F) You'll get used to cycling around Holland in no time (G) It's likely that you'll be attracted by the main way of transportation here: biking


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