Bahasa Inggris

Explain types of questions!


💐 Yes/No questions, adalah pertanyaan dengan jawaban "ya" atau "tidak". Example: Are you going to the bioskop?
answer: No, I'm not going to the bioskop

🍁 Question word questions, Dibentuk dengan menggunakan kata tanya seperti apa(what) , dimana(where), kapan(when), mengapa (why), siapa(who, whom, whose), yang mana ( which) , bagaimana(how). Example:
Question: Where are you going?
answer: I'm going to back home.
ada kata where sehingga termasuk question word questions

🌼 Alternative questions, berisi lebih dari satu pertanyaan dalam pertanyaan yang sama. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini digabungkan dengan 'atau'. Example:
Are you from Bandung or Jakarta?
Kata or merupakan penanda alternative questions

🌸 Rhetorical questions, sebenarnya adalah pernyataan dalam bentuk pertanyaan. Mereka digunakan untuk penekanan atau efek dramatis dan jawabannya jelas.
Example : Do I look like a machine to you?
Pada pertanyaan itu terdapat sebuah pernyataan " I look like a machine".


✨ Emphatic questions, berbeda dengan rhetorical questions. Mereka digunakan untuk menekankan perasaan lebih lama, kesal, atau terkejut. Example: Whatever did you say?

⭐ Question tag, digunakan untuk menanyakan konfirmasi atau kesetujuaan. Example: They are not there, are they?

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Types of questions!

1) General Questions
= the answer can be short, the question must relates to whole sentence.
•For example
Q: Do you like apple?
A: yes, i like apple

2) Special Questions
= opening the question must use a certain word, such as what, where, when, who, why, where, how
•For example
Q: when the party will be held?
A: the party will be held at 8 p.m

3) Choice questions
= the question offer a choice of several options as an answer. in generally, use conjuctions in the question, such as 'or'.
•For example
Q: Do you like 'pizza' or 'burger'?
A: i like pizza

4) Disjunctive Questions
= the question made up of two parts, the first part is a positive statement, and the second part is negative.
•For example
Q: He is from Indonesia, isn't he?
A: Yes, he is from Indonesia
If the statement is positive, a positive answer is expected. if the statement is negative, a negative answer is expected.

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