Bahasa Inggris

What is the purpose of notice?


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pengertian dari purpose of notice

A notice is formal means of communication. (adalah sarana komunikasi formal) , The purpose of notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people (Tujuan pemberitahuan adalah untuk mengumumkan atau menampilkan informasi kepada sekelompok orang tertentu)

Tujuan purpose of notice
- to announce or display information to a specific group of people. ( Tujuannya adalah untuk mengumumkan atau menampilkan informasi kepada sekelompok orang tertentu)

contoh purpose of notice
-dont feed the animal (jangan beri makanan binatang itu ) , (biasanya perintah itu ditemukan di kebun binatang)

- Keep silent (harap diam) , (Biasanya terdapat di perpustakaan)
-Be carefull

bahasainggris 8smp smp notice
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in general, the purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a person and group of people. usually notices are posted on certain display boards in both public places and schools.

— function notice :
1. caution ( give warning )
2. information ( provide information )
3. prohibition ( prohibits the reader from doing something )

— semoga membantu!

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• To give an instruction / to instruct people to….
• To give information / to inform people to….
• To give direction
• To ask people to….
• To advice/to suggest / to recommend people to….
• To remind people to….
• To warn / to give warning
• To ban / to forbid / to prohibit people to…


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