

2 次の英文は,中学生の Akira が書いたものです。 これを読んで,あとの問いに英語で答えはさい。 〈鹿児島改) Inis summer my friends and I went to a three-day event in my small town. It was planned by university students for junior high school students Many iunior high school students from other LOwns joined, too. The university students helped us with our studies. We also played soccer and baseball with them. Through these activities, we made a lot of new friends. People in my town helped with the event. Thev offered places for the activities. They also- Cooked meals for us and the university students. Some elderly people told us about the town' history. It was very interesting. During those three days, people in my town looked very happy. This event was a good chance for us to make new friends and learn a lot from elderly peopL T hope this event will be held again next year. Thanks to the university students, I had a good tir this summer. I want to plan events for my town in the future. That's my dream. (注) plan ~を計画する activities 活動(activity の複数形) offer ~を提供する elderly 年配の chance 機会 be held 行われる thanks to ~ ~のおかげで (1) Who planned this event? University staplenてら) dick (2) What did some elderly people in Akira's town do for this event? aboutc the town's history. They toldd (3) What is Akira's dreary unlor high scho/ Stadents 10 his foww.. Plan even ts tor his town 、.


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