

1ま 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 [設問解答目標時間: 25分/計20 点] ルich hand do you use to do most things your left hand or your right one? Most neonle se their right hand more. If (X)thisS IS true of you, then you are right-handed. Left- handed people, ( 1 ), are those who use their left hand to do most thingsleating, writing, balding tools or throwing ballsS, ( 2 ). A person whose left hand is used more can also he (あ )aleft-hander. A Canadian scientist, who's been studying left-handed people, has made some surprising diccoveries about them. The scientist found that left-handers have many more accidents than right-handed people. The study was made of almost 1,900 left-handed students at the University of British forty-nine percent more likely to have an accidentat home than right-handed people They are twenty- Columbia overa two-third period. It was discovered that left-handed people are five percent more likely to have an accident, ( い ) sports activities. (Y)Many accidents suffered by left-handed people happen when they use electric power tools. This is because the tools are designed to be held and used easily by right-handers. So, in order to operate them, a left-handed person must use his right hand or else turn his body in a strange position. ( 3 ), left-handers are fifty-four percent more likely to have an accident while using power tools than right-handers. [230 語] [徳島文理大 改] 1. 空欄(1)~(3)に入る最も適切なものを(a)~(c)の中から一つずっ選びなさい。 なお、大 文字で始めるべき語句も小文字で初めてあります。 (各1点:計3点) (a) for example (b) for these reasons (c) on the other hand


1. (c) on the other hand「一方で」
 →( 1 )の前では右利きの人の話をしていますが、( 1 )の後ろでは左利きの人の話をしているので(c)
2. (a) for example「例えば」
 →( 2 )の前に、左手を使ってすることの例(食べたり、書いたり、道具を持ったり、ボールを投げたり)が挙げられているので(a)
3. (b) for these reasons「これらの理由で」
 →( 3 )の前は簡単に言うと「電化製品が右利きの人に使いやすいように設計されているから、左利きの人は右手を使ったりしないといけない」と述べられており、だから「電化製品の使用中の事故が右利きの人より多い」と結論として述べられています。「だから」に近い意味は(b)

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