

|3| 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 [設問解答目標時間: 25分/計 20 点] Which hand do you use to do most things-ーyour left hand or your right one? Most people e their right hand more. If (X)this is true of you, then you are right-handed. Left- handed people, ( 1 ), are those who use their left hand to do most thingsleating, writing, ding tools or throwing balls, ( 2 ). A person whose left hand is used more can also be (あ)a left-hander. A Canadian scientist, who's been studying left-handed people, has made some surprising diecoveries about them. The scientist found that left-handers have many more accidents than right-handed people. The study was made of almost 1,900 left-handed students at the University of British Columbia over a two-third period. It was discovered that left-handed people percent more likely to have an accidentat home than right-handed people> They are twenty- are forty-nine five percent more likely to have an accident, ( い ) sports activities, (Y)Many accidents suffered by left-handed people happen when they use electric power tools. This is because the tools are designed to be held and used easily by right-handers. So, in order to operate them, a left-handed person must use his right hand or else turn his body in a strange position. ( 3 ), left-handers are fifty-four percent more likely to have an accident while using power tools than right-handers. [230 語] [徳島文理大 改] 1. 空欄(1)~(3)に入る最も適切なものを(a)~(c)の中から一つずつ選びなさい。 なお、大 文字で始めるべき語句も小文字で初めてあります。 (各1点: 計3点) (a) for example (b) for these reasons (c) on the other hand


1.c(on the other hand)

2.a(for example)
【理由】左利きの人は左手をほとんどのことに使うー食べること、書くこと、道具を掴むこと、ボールを投げること、例えば。 と、具体例が挙げられているからです。




3番のb(for these reasons)は文頭にあるので、大文字で始める必要があります。

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