

( 16 ~ 18 ) 難易度(中華 【資訊判就素養題) ( 16 – 18 ) #9 ** 1010 10 Demi was interested in Easter Island, and she studied it on the Internet, and then took it, 922 gou notes of the island. In 1722, Jacob Roggeveen discovered an island on Rapa Nui. Since it was Easter Sunday, he named it Easter Island. In fact, the first name given to the island was "Te Pito O Te Henua." Tahiti Chile Easter Island South Pacific Ocean Over the last three years the sea level around Easter Island has risen year by year. The higher sea level has posed a threat to this low-lying land. For example, salt water kills a lot of plants. Also, strong typhoons hit the island more often than before. The Rapa Nui People (people who live on Easter Island) It is said that more than one thousand years ago, the first king of Easter Island, Hotu Matu'a arrived by ship. With him were seven races of people. They then became seven tribes of Rapa Nui. discover 發現 level 高度, pose a threat 造成威脅 race 種族 tribe 部落 500km CO 16. What can we NOT learn from Demi’s notes? COCOA ) (A Both Tahiti and Easter Island are in the South Pacific Ocean. (B) Tahiti is to the west of Easter Island. (C) Easter Island is closer to Chile than Tahiti is. (D) Rapa Nui is spoken on Easter Island. 17. Which is NOT mentioned in Demi's notes? How Easter Island got its name. (B) Who Hotu Matu'a was. C/When Easter Island was discovered by Jacob Roggeveen. (D) How many people are living on Easter Island. 18. What can we know about Easter Island from the reading? (A) Hotu Matu'a came here in 1722. (B) Jacob Roggeveen came with seven races in 1722. (C) It is free from typhoons. (D) Part of the island might be below sea level in the future. 組總匯










Easter land is closer to Chili than Tahiti



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