Bahasa Inggris

bantuu yaa <3



Aku coba bantu jawab ya

1. His house is not next to our house.
2. Are Anton and Ibnu their son?
3. Her husband does not work in the factory.
4. He has a wife and two children.
5. Is Mr. Ridwan your new neighbour?
6. I have a good neighbour now.
7. There are five persons in his family.
8. Does Mrs. Nita have daughter, how many?
9. Is Mr. Hasan a kind man?
10. Joni's house is on JL. Jambu no 6 Bogor

Untuk yang nomor 8, mohon maaf ya kalau salah :)

bahasa inggris simplepresenttense tenses
ycanneubi ✧ : ⋆


hai sapi

Ok, sama-sama :D

ycanneubi ✧ : ⋆

maaf kak, aku masih bingung sama no 6, soalnya itu a have nya digabung gitu :(


salah ketik kali pembuat bukunya.
udah bener itu I have a good neighbour now / Now, I have a good neighbour

correct me if I wrong

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