

R he 時 modeling company QOudushka is shaking up the fashion 3ndustry. VnVke rmost agencies in their inqustry, Oldushka isnt concerned With hiring attractive modets mm the brtrne 9 their youth. 一26 一, their primary target is mature models who are enioyine their eden year Aside from one 45-year-old, Oldushka's models are all between the ages Qt 6Q an SQ Jesrs old. Oldushka was founded by an artist and entrepreneur nameW Tgor Gavar. He carne up Wi We idea for the ageney while_working as a street photographer in Sioera, Gavar _21 hany interesting faces while Covering the fashion trends of retired people in hs hometQOW- Tiwrougis ts experience, Gavar came to believe that beauty becornes more vaMWabve 3s We 3 ancYng Oldushka allowed him _28_ this concept With the worid. In many ways, Oldushka came along at the perfect ttme. The desire tor more GerSV S Starting to catch on in the fashion world. Audiences today are mnore _29 GO mowetS Wo are different from the stereotypical young, Siim, and beautitul modets ot the oast. QVWuSWKa GGYYenVNYY employs 18 models, some of _30 have worked on catnpalens for 4fishq SnW Saint LaNYen' Russja. Oldushka”s models are proving tnat beauty heVer fades, even as We aee- ] 26. (A) Otherwise (B) Instead (C)Namety (0D) Yweretoke 1/279 (A) annoyed (B) oftfended (0 imaginew (O) eneouwtete% 上28. (Atoshare (8) sharing (shsrea (29. (A) wanttng (B) devoted (0 aceepting te@ (A) them (B) ttose (Orwhich


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