

aese opbjecfs find almosf 7 ivers/ / 入eserett “sense”the scents ofthings. im gto 了e text, why did Shakespeare mention rosemary in his work? (4%) 几 讓 人 planted 過 acharacter in the play as part of the plot. Vcl He 襄尖 Toduce the various DU from the British gardens.- Ve known the connection between scents and memory. (D He wanted to highlight the superior sense of smell in women. 和e立 36. Ifyour friend feels a lot of pressure from schoolwork, according to the are 5 picture, which_scents would you 訖zz Poyerder:t/ REES to her? (4%) ce cosves ozz 7zzz7aZ 7epsyoz7ezgx 點 、 Woo外 for 2 人 PC 27 2 了ez guyey yo elergy, 7 2 Zoyzezy oz7*/7eyy 7gAey oz /ess Zerozy
dlSyeellte lv1 serVe a5 1oXTHg ARETINAIUIS 1 Ni ( 人 點 ealonely 人 elndependence bU 《 同 ) How Do Seents Trigger* Emotion and Memory? | * i | 還 st0 Scents of herbs*, you may think ofa famo When It cOme ! asia凍 us quote from 互unjer by William | shbakespeare: “There5 ITOSemaTy ance; pray, love, remember” Indeed 了fh 同 | ,也epower o | seenfs has had a majorf effect On human history.(You may know that the human brain can tell 10 | iom seents and 了e cells for smelling will renew 人也emselves every 30 to 60 days)Also, w 上 , 9WQOInen ha !abefer sense 0fsme 了an men. As tfhe oldest and most powerful sense, smell tflggers emoti 約 5 1on an memory Te 0lfactory bulbs*, 也了e OrTiginal unlts 也at process smells, are located at the bottom ofthe braim iey have direct connections to two other brain areas, and these two areas are closely related ! Wi emofion and memory. No other senses can reach the connection, making the sense of smell the 註:合 49 放作he章藥 olfaetory bulbs 咱球,為觸發咱覺的單位


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