

0 22 plants or people. Trained dogs can find almost quicker 了han we can. They can even detect diseases just our best friends. They often are our lifesaverst anything we need them to. This makes them _玉 26. 2 一 26 全218293 Y. 篇章結構 : 9% (A) But the value of service dogs goes beyond just safety. (B) But imstead of barking, hearing dogs get their owners' attention by gently touching them- (C) Guide dogs help 也em walk upstairs, cross busy roads, and avoid bumping into things, Dogs are often called “man?”s best friend,”but did you know that a gowing number ofpeople rely on dogs to help fhem through teir everyday life? Known as service dogs, these dogs have been specially frained to help people with disabilities.- For people who are blind, a guide dog is akind of service dog that is trained to lead them so they can The human?s role is to give orders, while the dog's role is to keep their move around safely. _了7 owner Safe, even 註仙is means not following dangerous orders. Another type of service dog is a hearing dog. These dogs help deaf people know when there are 2 GOnGe specific sounds, such as a ringing phone, aknock at the door, or even the crying ofababy. fieir owners notice 所em, 也ey will lead them to 也e source ofthe sound- y taking notice of the environmemt for Both of 了ese types of service dogs keep their owners safe b 33. Since living With disabilities can be a lonety s the independence to live 包em, The two of them act as 也eir eyes and ears. can serve as loving assistants, While glving their oOWner experience, Service dogs aflland meaningful life at 了he same time. 8 人 39 和 33. YIL 混合題 : 1% How Do Seents Trigger~* Emotion and Memory? fafamous quote from /qn7ef by William Indeed, the power %@f 加上 When it comes to scents 9 herbs*, you may think o s for remermbrance; pIay, love, remember. osermgarv. 也at 全1


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