

1 次の文の( )に適する訂) をアーエから 1つ選び, 記号を〇で男みなさい Ln) This is Nancy's bike, and that is ( 0 4 アァ NYA 2) My De andT 衝 is 3 2 1 ああ 9 his pen for ( ) father. Tomorrow is his birthday.補祭 our の②⑦ ws エ we 3) 1 know Mark's sisters. but my mother doesnt know ( ) で る NE 、 6 1 ウ theirs で/ them 和 ike this song very much. 〈得奈0) 2208OU イ were ウ2US &/ We 品⑤) AOTnter is very old.Tm going_to buy anew ( 09 (神奈 ア this ュ16unst あめ one TO 1 口⑥) 1am afraid of making mistakes, so 1 dontsay ( ) in class. (も梨) の②⑦ anything イ something ウ anyone , エ someone 口⑦) 1Ihave three balls. One is very big and ( ) are small. (中央大移並高) ア other ⑦ others ウ the other エ the others 口⑧ The *climate of Tokyo is warmer than ( ) of Nagano. * climate 気候 ァ this ) tmat ウ these エ those 口(9) 4・: Do you know Toshiko? (島根) ぢ: Yes,1do. ( ) are in the same class thiS year. アァ We Eh @ They ェ She 紅和) 口G9 4: Is very hot today. Lets buy (6 ) cold to drink. 万: Thats a good idea. ア any イ some 9 something エ thing 2 次の対話文が完成するように, 空所に適語を書きなさい。ただし (23)は( )内の文字で始めること。 (佐賀) 円0) 4: Ts this pen yourS? 玉。 Yes.ifs _ mn 。Thank you. (栃本) 間(② 4 Please help me 下 you are nOt busy. 万 Sure. I have to do nOW. Are these bookS YOUT sister's? 画(3串4 万: Yes, they are ⑪) Ii222 空所に適語を書きなさい。 (0生P 6 tot まSUWNI hk いです。 (柏祭)) E】 次の日本文の意味を表すように 品G あれらは私たちの自転車ではあ りません。 口② 剛間It T have two rackets. UM6 isoldandthe _( tN6 r iS neW. どうぞケーキを自由に各 ありますから。 還 en. We have 3 lot し上がれ, 健。 たくさん PA0 to the cake, K


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