

事 The hospital is, of course, publie, but yo ma f 太5字 有人2 ely as possible, 8 Jike a private hospital. And you do help the hospital make altot of mormney- 有發分 You le Juxury and 馬oney 一fis is why is the hospital books are examined closely, one can qieSeWer tpat you MIDIYoDrpersonalcx人生ie hospitals 昌潑 it might not be exactly legal, but sorme bad habits are ~加 孝膠-狼選么 說 _Barq io shake. With a啟 9fexperience and the help ofalawyer friend, you'rve beceome an expert at ernbezziing 和unds. But no one knows 人at he is ahitrand-run driver. Ten years ago. You were trying out your new car sq you were qriving at boa戰和 speeds in the streets and had an accident - you ran into a couple who was crossing fhe smeer. Bo也 fiew over the hood of your car. You stopped as quickly as you could and came 6ack fo he scene 9f和he accident You had the imtention of getting out ofthe car to help the 灸傘. But you %iqnt Step ourt because you saw a young boy about fifteen crawling out of the car.”He couldnt see you, of course, put you had fhe 和eling fhat he _ was staring straight into your eyes.。You worried_ that he would Tecogsnize you. You jmsfead gunned the engine and left the scene before help arrived. Afew qays later, Tearneqg 互 名enewspapers 仙at fhe couple was dead... The police didn。 還 寢 是 faospita7 fad corme up 如 an 辣, 語有: He was asking for your authorization to have a qeeb researeh 還 甸e hospita! You heartily agreed, in order you tfind the hit-and-run driver. CasSe- to clear the name of the hospital.。The ftact 3S, you lye a choice... 五owever, deep down inside youre sure that the organ, trafficking Story is just an exceuse eye on yorr crirme.。 But fhey wont get you so easily... eyour ecrimes? (2 jtems) 協亮人 -上莓他公 加 / 2.Wydid fe poice yisif you? sittrue? 販魯旻全 ) But no 也at fhe Pofice are watching you and the hospital, you have to Stop using the hospitals money tor persora/ purposes. Yef you do notf imtend to give pp on your lifestyle - you like living in luxury's lap anq Yow
條 2),人AA人 pieand-rmun ddver Ten ya 2 信人六三 i We who was and you were driving at pe各才 Speeds im The sfreets and had an aceidenr 7 antinte as co d as quiekly as you coulq anq cams the car to help the 人銀從. But you car.。”He couldnt see you 9 erossing the street. Both filew over the hood of your car. You stoppe Baek to the seene ofthe aceident. You had the intention of getting out 9 didnt qare step out because you saw a young boy about fifteen crawling out ofthe course, but you had the feeling 了at he was staring straight into your eyes. You worried_ that he would ie ad Ig the scene before help arrived 人 fr da later, you Jearned jm 負e newspapers fat the couple was dead... The police didn”t find the hit-and-run driver- A 音w months ago, a police officercame by to visit you. He was letting you know that the narme ot your -縱 雞多 JospitaJ had come up 呈 an organ 時名馬: case. He was asking for your authorization to have a qeebp You heartily agreed, in order to clear the name of the hospital.。The fact 3s, you Tesearcfh Hm 仙e hospital- didnt have a choice... 嫩owever, deep down inside, you're sure that the organ trafficking story 1s just an excuse fo keep an eye on your crime.。” But they wont get you so easily.- 「,. Whatare your crimes? (2 items) 址充人人 -蹄孔 聊 履 、\ / 2.Wzpny did 負e poJice visit you? Is true? 販 人 全 、 But now 世at fe police are watching you and the hospital, you have to stop using the hospitals rmoney tor Ppersonaf purposes- Yef you do not intend to give up on your lifestyle - you like living in luxury's Yap anw you wi Keep Jiving Jke 人at And to do that you've found the perfect_ solution... As head aqminastrator ot the jospitaJ, you are one of fhe fcew people to have access to current reports fom your lab. Anq, White you were Jooking af Dr. Drake Remoret's Teports, you Tealized that he was about to synthesize arevolutionary chemical forrmuuJa/ Drake has been working on the formula to reduce the long term Tejection rate of organ gatts. The propJem is 也at 也e old formuJa reduces 了e rejection Tate in only 70% of cases.。 But Drake seems to have fund a Way to be effectfive 加 100% of cases. ISasafe bet to say that 也is would sell millions WorlWWiqe. 六
We et shoola ake ae tensght 3 er alsohaveteseeasee visin hospitals server, esuoy te eleetronie aata maae by brave Yo diant eet aces ess to ah ot Drake's fi hi si sfles because you didnt have his acceess code, but you know that the fue he locks in tne Sat Le each ae Will be enough to follow his work im order to finq the formula on yovr ovm. Finatty, iust to be sa 3 keyevwe lso asked the thiefto burn down Drakeys house, too. This way, any aoceument. he have xept attbis house, me 還 人生pe would be destroyed.。Witmout any experiment esatts Dr no one wi beseve br. bke came up with the : s 1 new formula.。The fire should happen at aroundq 7:30 bmtonlgpnt Drake wontbe atbis buace because youl make sure thathe will be at the hospital tonight, after all yow arentamurqerer. 全Why did you hire PINK STRAWBERRY? \ 《 5.Wwhat did PINK STRAWBERRY call you on the Net? k 6G.Why did you need to get down to the emergency room tonight? 加 You therefore had an appointment with him tonight at7 pm at the emergency, which reminws Yo YoY have to find a conversation topic.... Besides that, it reminqs you that you neeqto tayk to Dr.Nans,too.tour monfhs ago, a young man”Ss (Jim Mason) kidney was removed by Dr. Nans becanse ota senous state accident。 Although the young man was alive in the end, he St WeciqeW to se Dr. Nans tor tne neetess of his kidney.”You reexamine the patients file and_ the horrible ttw Na3s ThaWe clear. te ternov3、 Temoyal so you chose not to support Dr. Hans in his tal agatnst Ym Marson。 BV SQ Yo was jmdeed unnecessary, Wonder why Dr. Hans did that? haf happened to Ji bes05 一 organ tatfcking) Why




3 缺錢












7 他腎被切了














下午6:30,你站在辦公室的窗戶邊,看見Gail 走進醫院。
停車場。她看起來有點奇怪, 但你不介意, 因為你在擔心今晚的偷竊計劃, 你晚上 7 點和德雷克醫生有個約會, 所以你去緊急房間跟他說話,因為你有點早(現在只有下午6:45),你去一些新鮮空氣外面。
你注意到垃圾桶旁邊有東西閃閃發光, 當你走近了, 你發現是槍!你撿起來,裝作沒發現然後(晚上7點左右)你跑進自助餐廳。
你甚至開始懷疑,如果你口袋裡的槍是兇器。每個人都跑進實驗室,發現漢斯博士的屍體,突然,蓋爾喊道,"有人在那邊!你是誰? 一個人從實驗室的黑暗角落出來,有槍在他的手中。那人說:"不是我。我沒有殺他,"然後他把槍扔在地板上。你超震驚
他是pink strawberry 嗎?"如果他是, 我不能讓任何人找出他為什麼在這裡"

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