
請問some of 之後不是the others嗎?

Sentence Pattern 08 17 中譯 解析 有些家庭傳統上會將父親的名字傳給第一個出生的兒子。在其他家庭中,姓氏會包括在一個 孩子名字的選擇中,讓家庭的姓氏流傳下去。 U1 此處在無特定範圍中任舉兩種家庭,前一句用 some,後一句應使用 other,因此答案為(C)。 代名詞 牛刀小試 welas B 01. Giant wetas (巨沙螽) can hop up to two feet at a time. Some of them live in trees, and others live in caves. (A) others (B) the others (C) the other 指定 【學測 (D) another ) 2. Some people like team sports, some prefer to exercise alone, and both. 列舉 (A) others (B) the others like 中山女中 (C) the other (D) another D 【學測] 3. As the flights grew longer, a new set of two collection bags was devised, Me for liquid wastes and the other for solid wastes. (D) one
確任舉兩個或強調對比時用one.another... ⑤ To say is one thing, and to do is another. 說是一回事,做又是另一回事。 ● David has three brothers. One is a doctor, another is a teacher, and the other is a lawyer. David 有三個哥哥。一個是醫師,另一個是教師,還有一個是律師。 2.表示在一群人或物中只有兩種或三種情況,用some...(some/others.the others...;在無 特定範圍中任舉其中兩種或三種)情況則用 some...some/others...((still others...)。 ● Forty students took the graduation trip. Some of them had a good time, and the others considered it boring. 有四十個學生參加畢業旅行。其中有些人玩得愉快,其他人則認為無趣。 ④ Tulips come in different colors. Some are red, others are yellow, and still others are purple. 鬱金香有不同的顏色。有些是紅色,有些是黃色,還有一些是紫色。 大考養成 ( in Texas had ting


some of和the others並不是固定搭檔,不建議這樣背。


第二題選the others的原因是,第一句已經告訴你有40位學生,有指定範圍,句意為「有些人覺得有趣『剩下的人』則覺得無聊」,因此需要the
