

英文 大學

哪一個段落沒有主題句? 我覺得是第一個,對嗎? 要怎麼替這個段落寫出主題句呢?

2 Despite different home cultures and countries, international students' main overall motivation is the desire get out on their own, to carve out a new direction in their lives. "Foreign students" do not casually abandon the comforts of family and cultural ties; they have done their homework on Canadian schools. All their preparation, though, cannot prepare them for the loneliness and ongoing difficul- ties they face, from cold winters to financial issues related to the higher tuition fees they must pay. Some students, though, emigrate to escape those same tight- knit families and bonds that others find so painful to leave behind. A Macleans "On Campus" report notes that family expectations may be opposed to students' visions for themselves and lead them to reject accepted values and career paths in their hometowns and countries. Csilla, a web-design student at Waterloo admits, "I was always supposed to enter my family's restaurant business in Budapest, but I felt suf- focated even working part-time as a server. Web design is my passion, and I wanted 12: CAUSE OR EFFECT [- a completely fresh start, something that is completely my own ("International Stu- dents"). Finding independent paths to their own dreams is the key here, whether students choose those paths as a result of personal ideals or as a reaction to pre-set future plans.

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數學與統計 大學

急!求救 #6 8 9 如果需要酬勞可私下談 (ex.$70題)

pie participation in informal 6.The National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored a study on girls' science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) programs. The results of the study were published in Cascading Influences: Long-Term Impacts of Informal STEM Experiences for Girls (March 2013). The researchers sampled 174 young women who recently participated in a STEM program. They used a pie chart to describe the geographic location (urban, suburban, or rural) of the STEM programs attended. Of the 174 participants, 107 were in urban areas, 57 in suburban areas, and 10 in rural areas. a.Determine the proportion of STEM participants from urban areas. b.Determine the proportion of STEM participants from suburban areas. c.Determine the proportion of STEM participants from rural areas. d. Multiply each proportion in parts a-c by 360 to determine the pie slice size (in degrees) for each location. e.Use the results, part d, to construct a pie chart for geographic location of STEM participants. f.Interpret the pie slice for urban areas. g.Convert the pie chart into a bar graph. Which, in your opinion, is more informative? 7. All high way bridges in the US are inspected periodically for structural deficiency by the FHWA. Data from the FHWA inspections are compiled into the National Bridge Inventory (NBI). Classify each variable below as quantitative or qualitative. a. Length of maximum span (feet). b. Number of vehicle lanes. c. Toll bridge (yes or no). d. Average daily traffic. e. Condition of deck (good, fair, or poor). f. Bypass or detour length (miles). g. Route type (interstate, U.S., state, county, or city) 8. The NBI data were analyzed and the results made available at the FHWA Web site. Using the FHWA inspection ratings, each of the 608,272 highway bridges in the US was categorized as structural deficient, functionally obsolete, or safe. About 13.5% of the bridges were found to be structural deficient, while 3.5% were functionally obsolete. a. What is the variable of interest to the researchers? b. Is the variable of part a quantitative or qualitative? c. Is the data set analyzed a population or a sample? Explain. d. How did the NBI obtain the data for the study?

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英文 高中

這篇看很久,但是感覺答案很難選 請幫我看看 謝謝🥺

加還暫'此本DUO SO K 人 (/2)(A) which (B) where _(C) what_(D) how 必 必 (8)(A)on (B)over (Cto_(D) at ( 聞 )(9)(A) Forone thing (B) In addition (C) At第 (人 3只 )(10) (A)to_(B)for (C) with (D) about 5. On Thursday night, famous graffiti artist Matt Gar 于affitl at New State College. Matt is a talented artist nickname “paladin.”Some people love his work, while hopes to change people SIminds about this art form (2) Paladin s art is mostly political. He likes to compare the 主 simage of War (4) 世e real-Hfe effects of conflict. His most famous work is called 5 S2gg7-7ree 所主 and it _ (5) our attention to 了he political platform that Hollywood actors use to spread their Personal views. The piece shows millions of television audience members staring Wide-eyed at a handsome actor on the screen. Those who don'tlike his art say that_(6) SoJving problems, his graffiti creates new ones. They argue that he encourages crime, and 世at work like his (7) 了紀e city look messy. Supporters point out that instead, his art makes nelghborhoods more beautiful and interesting._($)_, art historians are quick to Temind people 也at artists have used art to Send political messages for centurlies. No matter What your own views are__(9) _,come out and listen to Matt”S thoughts on 也e Subject. Afterward, 也ere will be an open discussion glving the audience a(n) _(10) toexpress their own thoughts. Hope to see you there!

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英文 高中

5 7 8 10 12看不懂

豬一(人 Fe 27 一沒 之 1 一閃~ ookirgssoN2 cisss: No: “、文法選擇 人(Caekhoped_ heddnst say such mean words to his good friend. 點 (Aa)whether (GB)if (cthat IUDD呈 2 Although Kevin was angry at Daisy, he greeted her asmile when they saw each other 3 (by (owith 0 條 2 and Mrs. Smith have made up their mind some electric appliances for their new hoi cluding a washing machine, an oven, and atelevision- (buying )to buying 和 六 屆上 baby:s face SA ed 人 my worries are left ind. 2 人 紀 (B)looksalike (clooks at (Dylooks like 說 ee the meals ready before all the guests arrived- 6 (人 ) The menss 800m 生生 人 Pion made a terrible mistake __,he lostthe race- 1 RSS (B)because (Cas aresult (Din addition 人 up on the 昌 and ___stopped centimeters away 0呈 ashop window. (al 0 說 ikely _(@maly (D)mainly an Connery movie Medicine Man, the annual convention of 22Zards and witohes will be familiarto you. 天 5 及 人 (Gen (pythongh 一一一carng the death ofthe famous Poet, his fans were in tears, (9 (GB (QwWith (Don 10(。)Mr and Mrs, Chang made money 一一 selling children's clothes in the night market, @00f “(im (with (Dom 有 (Po )The windowsare 所Sy forus to see through. We must clean them as soon as bossible. (A)too 1 (B)so (COsuch (Dnot (9 ( )Wphen Ted saw an invitation card from his girlfriend in his mailbox last nigbt, he Was Surbrised and couldm't wait_ 半 : (A)opening (B)to open (C)for opening (D)open 2人 AA ) After my mom saw my poor grades, she felt so 二___that she almost passeqd out, (A)worried (B)worrying (worry (D)worriediy J4.( 谷 ) The kids Jay on the bed and were ready to sleep the motherturned ottthe light, 了Agjfhouoh Yinrnmfi 7 vr

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