

英文 國中


ane ng la is n (38~41) 5:00 有点 個 Usually I wouldn't cross the park at this time of night. But walking around the park would take more time, and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me. So I entered the park. And that was the first stupid thing I did tonight. 38 into Soon after I walked into the park, I saw a man under a tree up ahead. My heart fell The stories I'd heard about the park But me? No. I did 39 my head at this moment. Anyone with a clear mind would just turn back. stupid thing: I decided to hurry past him. Just when I was passing the man, he raised his head and gave me the strangest smile ever. I got scared and started running. “Hey!” the man me! shouted from behind. "Wait!" He was running after I ran like crazy. I had hoped the trees would keep some rain off. 40. But they also made the park look even darker. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. Then, I ran into something. It was And they the man! "Don't kill me!" I cried. "What? I 41 gave me my bag. to give back your bag! You dropped it," the man Now, I felt saying that to the man was the stupidest thing I did tonight. 第一部分 作答說明 ( 38 ) are all coming 57%) (47% (C) were all coming 39. (A) another ✓ one ✓ the last ☑ have all come (D) would all come 54%) 51% the other 40. A have 41. (B) did (C) had (D) would was trying (C) would try (B) try ( will try ahead 在前面

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英文 國中

大概有七題的英文文法問題 (有打勾勾的地方✔️(我把他整理成一張圖片了 感謝善心人士解答💗💗

B (用於否定句 (B)where (A)what MEGK MSX FILTE yourself. (C)whether (D)how you see is not necessarily true. You should find the answer opol (A)That (B)What (C)Which (D)How (A)who (B)whom (C)which (D)when The five-star hotel (A)for (B)in F (C)with ☆! can't understand this article. It is written (D) English. Can you help me? you (A)by (B) of (C)on (D)in [OAG Mr. Wang grows a lot of fruit (A)which eats (B)it smells we stayed last night is really beautiful and (D)from sweet and juicy. (C)it is (D)that tastes 3. Mr. Chen is a busy businessman. He likes to spend his free time hungry to death! 260206 (A)with (B)without (C)from EXE MSG (D) off 2pG T8 Brian is a famous musician. He became successful² dnie Bood again and again. USE (B)with practicing Je Tue 50 su WARUSM 16 129 Cute cou (A)by (C)along (D)for 8. The boy is really a genius. He entered a great college and became a A (A)beside (B)around The airplane was flying (A)through A 14. (B)across GLEN (C)under Taipei and Hong Kong. (C)between (D)among (D)between 為所環繞 (Alfor (D)ofue 14. This movie is pats only. It is full of volence and blood. Bito (C)from Macy is my new friend I knew on the Internet. She is a Canadian, and we often send e-mails to each other. Macy's birthday is 16 June 20, and she is fifteen this year. She plays basketball very well. Actually, she is quite good _17_ sports. She is going to play a ball game for her class next week, and she 18 it. 16. (A)in Mour to 2(B)at 1 (A)on (B)at pong (C)on (C)inabi (C)worried with MOER EAGLA (D)satisfied with (D)x (D) of )18. (A)is excited about ex2999 (B)is interesting in C Dear Vivian:LICE back so late. Paul's 19 his place. - How have you been recently? Sorry for writing you birthday is coming soon. He is going to have a birthday party He'll prepare for some cookies, cakes, and drinks. I'll give him a card and a present. that day? Please let me know. about pe ce quis Will you come 20 (B)0 (clop (D)W Love, Ann 19. (A)at g 218 (B)below (C)over (D)into RPC Aom (A)by (B)with (C)on (D)in

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英文 國中

請問28. 看不太懂😵‍💫

共♡ (27~28) 法律 ex.法律、 命令 ex. 規程綱要 Eric is not a careful young man. One day, he did the shopping for three of his co-workers, Grace, Adam, and Linda. However, he mixed up their receipts with other people's. Here are the receipts. Please help him find out the four receipts. Happy 8-12 AB-11223344 Happy 8-12 AB-11223345 Happy 8-12 AB-11223346 Price Total Lunchbox NT$75 NT$75 Item Item Tissue Hot Dog NT$15 Price Total Green Tea NT$35 NTS70 NTS20 NT$20 NT$30 Price NT$30 NT$30 Milk NT$20 NT$60 Tissue Vegetable NT$40 NT$40 Sandwich Total Item Pork Sandwich Green Tea NTS35 NT$35 NT$40 NT$40 Toast NT$45 NTS45 NT$130 NT$150 NT$165 E t ABCD t ABCD 132 康軒評量中心 請尊重著作權勿樓自印 Happy 8-12 AB-11223347 Item Price Total Lunchbox NT$75 NT$75 Hot Dog NT$15 NT$30 Milk Tea NT$25 NT$25 Happy 8-12 AB-11223348 Price Total Item Milk Tea NT$25 NT$25 Chocolate NT$20 NT$40 Pork NT$40 NT$40 Sandwich NTSI30 NT$105 co-worker 同事 mix up 混淆 receipt 收據 tissue 衛生紙 27. Linda is a vegetarian and eats no meat. Which receipt is Linda's? (A) Receipt. (C) Receipt D. 』 vegetarian 素食者 (B) Receipt B. (D) Receipt . 28. Both Linda and Grace asked Eric to buy tissue for them, and Adam wanted Eric to buy a lunchbox and a hot dog for lunch. Eric himself bought a lunchbox and a pork sandwich for lunch. According to the four receipts, how much did Eric pay in total? (A) NT$545. (B) NT$535. (C) NT$565. according to (D) NT$575. 依據 20 +60 +75 t

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