

英文 高中


43 46ool vislil teom indixon 21 brodwogezang out of quibroso A M Situated off the coast of Tanzania and washed by the warm, clean waters of the Indian Ocean Zanzibar is a tropical archipelago comprised of several scattered islands. This popular beach people know that in the past, control of Zanzibar meant access to unimaginable wealth destination is now famous for its white sand beaches, slender palms, and turquoise seas. But few From ancient times, Zanzibar has been a trading hotspot, thanks to its location on the trade route between Arabia and Africa. Traders from Asia had already visited the islands 900 years before the arrival of its first permanent settlers from the African mainland (around 1000 AD). In the 8 century, Persian merchants built settlements here, which grew over the next four centuries into their trading posts. Between the 12th and 15th centuries, trade increased between Arabia, Persia, and Zanzibar, bringing the archipelago both wealth and power. During the Age of Exploration, commerce in Zanzibar quickly boomed, largely due to the rise of the spice trade. At the close of the 15th century, Europeans' craze for spices gave rise to the Spice Route, a network of sea lanes joining Europe with the Far East, where most spices came from. In 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama made the first sea voyage to India, via the southernmost tip of Africa. In 1499, he arrived at Zanzibar, an archipelago sitting at the crossroads of the Spice Route The islands soon attracted traders from different lands. Hundreds of ships sailing the Spice Route docked here, bringing spices and goods for transaction, and Zanzibar became one of the biggest trading centers in the world. im wolldr MoldW 24 Since the 16th century, Zanzibar has come under the rule of the Portuguese, the Arabians, and then the British, each leaving a mark on the place. The paths of various religions also crossed here: Muslims have lived peacefully with Christians and Buddhists on the islands for centuries. The unique cultural intersections, scented with the aroma of cloves, vanilla, and cinnamon floating in the air, give these jewels on the li Indian Ocean an amazing charm that goes far beyond tropical beach fun. 2b60122019 alaog anomalie abnolaî (A) Mineiton bu 43. Which of the following is true about the earliest traders in Zanzibar?bsler (8) Lembiar ogslegirlons (0) (A) The earliest traders arrived around 900 AD. (B) Most of the earliest merchants came from Africa. emise ogulsquitone (CI) (C) Asian merchants arrived centuries before the African settlers. (D) Traders from Persia settled down permanently around 1000 AD. 12 年 學測

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英文 高中


game hunter e (6) ar g with his ssed _(8) -ver, Rainsf of hunt gh to be t upted wh ming to 1 and (1 owner ord th: and th Alen She Ain Bre a) t transaction pervil ( tactics accuracy excellence classic merely day. II. 文法選擇:10% (C) 11. Xtremely delicate and fragile, so only experts with gloves on are e it with care. allowed to h 5. Don't use public Wi-Fi when you perform a t and credit card details might be stolen. (A With C) 15. If I 6. The team members analyzed their own strengths and weaknesses and then came up with t cs before the paintball game started. y of the landing path is crucial; even a 7. To ensure the astronauts' safety, the a one-millimeter error could lead to tragedies. 8. To achieve n, or your personal information (excellent), the pianist practices for twelve hours every day. Sometimes, she repeats a single section of music hundreds of times to make it perfect. 9. Fever, cough, and muscle aches are (classic) symptoms of the flu. 10. When asked about her new boyfriend, Tina (mere) gave a mysterious smile and said nothing. Not only (B) Only The novelist published more than twenty novels, I arrived at the convention center did I realize that I had missed the event by a whole (D) liw (A) all of them (B) 13. The pocket watch giving (D) 14. all the musical genres, Ryan enjoys jazz most. bovent (B) Around (C) By (D) Of reduce my working hours and enjoy more free time- (C) Not until No sooner were bestsellers. (B) all of which HOLD and all of which (D) all of whom to me by my late grandfather is my most treasured possession. (B) given that gave more money, I but here I am struggling to afford even the basics for my two children (A) have; will (B) had had; would (C) had; would 龍騰文化 定自己,肯定不同 was given INAN (D) have; would nu C

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英文 高中


SAL pinnotivno letuten sdt tot 550 sco: Dinamik gyolland het ge The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall 1 up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers from east to west of China. With a history of more than € 70⁰ 2000 years, some of the sections of the great wall are now in ruins. Ye Ry M bliziv linsupon Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall 2 following along 015 the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. By all the legends entirely 完全 Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread about the Great Wall. It tells of 4 Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section TENES of the Great Wall collapse, for her husband died from building the Wall. giggoda .abo Behind the story is the cruel system of hard labor during the reign of Emperor Qin Shihuang. 5 Meng Jiangnu, later generations built a temple, called the Temple of Mengjiangnu, at the foot of the Great Wall in which a statue of her is located. Then, Meng Jiangnu's story will be passed down from generation to generation with the Great Wall. C 1 (A) marches 1 (B) lines (C) winds (D) towers 14 1 C (A) faded away 不樂 B) took place (C) burst out (1) passed down. 傳承 (C) for (A) of 在中 2 (D) within idied mi (D) how (D) In case of # 2 4 (A) what 5 (A) In memory of 1. (B) to ) (B) which ES (B) On behalf of that (C) As a result of 因為 Grants Pass, Oregon, is a fairly small town, it offers much to amuse te most nopular tourist attraction. Visitors JRW 代表 相当地 H 禺 ide

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英文 國中


Afternoon Tea In The UK In the UK, the word tea means many things. First off, it means a cuppa (a cup of tea). Secondly, it means a cuppa, with sandwiches and cakes. Or it can be a cuppa with a slice of jam and bread, or toast. In some areas, particularly in the North, tea means dinner, the main meal of the day, usually eaten at about 6p.m. Afternoon tea is usually taken at around 4 or 5 p.m. It is not something that people do at home now. If you want an afternoon tea, you can go to a tea shop or a cafe. It is a special treat. Your delicious food will be served on a tiered cake server, with China cups, saucers, and plates. In some places, you can order Champagne istead of tea. Having an afternoon tea with your friends is a pleasant experience! @particuliary 特別Deaten 吃過Dit 如果D serve 送達四ifered cake server 分層蛋糕架pChing 瓷器 saueer X Champagne istead of a pleasant experience the usually A. Read and Write Tor F ( T ) 1. "Cuppa" means a cup of coffee. (F) 2. "Tea" is the word used for the main meal in the evening in the Nor of the UK. (F) 3. People invite their friends for afternoon tea at 4 p.m. invite (T) 4. Many people usually have afternoon tea at home now. (T) 5. You can only drink tea when you have your afternoon tea. B. Match up the delicious cakes below with the descriptions by writing the letter in the box. a. A strawberry tart - with a buttery crust, a creamy filling, and then a topping of fresh berries. b. Victoria sponge -- a sponge cake filled with jam and cream. c. Battenberg cake - a light sponge cake with different sections held together with jam. d. Carrot cake - a moist sponge cake containing grated carrot and topped with a buttercream icing. e. Madeira cake - is a sponge or butter cake in traditional British and Irish cookery. buttery crust creamy sponge fill section 13 containing grated carrot # buttercream icing Wri topping traditional AJ 1. c a 4 5. e d

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