

英文 高中

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>ople 1S completely wrong. Whentwas 還 讓 In f SVW 噶 al 人全 旻 to a new home. The 由WII 芍 全看 > area, 2 /aS Jus fiend S 二 WGS Just one problem my next-door neighbor. 1 was so afraid_ Qf him! He lived 人 0 還 0 全 and never talked to anybody. He had a long gray beard and also 1 一和一 look in his eye. My friends and Iknew him 3 One day, my friends yard.- T loved that bal grade, my family mov “the scary old man2 and ll were playing basketball, and my basketball landeqd in his lb and losing it would have been the 6 of the world.1Irealy needed to get it back. I was Seared, but I knew that if lacted like a coward, my friends would never let me forget it! I took adeep breath and went to get 1t. Just then, the olq , man's door opened. ITremember 了 my life was overl IT was too scared to talk, so1 Just pointed 8 my ball. He laughed and picked it up for me. _9._, he was not really a scary person after all! I got to know him better over the _10. ftew years. He Was 全uly a Kind person, and he always had a funny joke to tell. This experience taueht me 也atTshouldn'tjudge people so quickly. 註:impression 印介 天 ) I.(A) three (B) threes (C) three-year-old (D) third 同 、選 ) 2.(A) did (B) went (C) became (D) sounded 同 ) 3.(A)E (B) That (0) There (D) What 同 色/) 4.(A) mean (B) soft (C) dizzy (D) happy Gb ) 5.(A)to be (B) around for (B) top 8 0 (up (D) out S 33 I補

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