

英文 國中

2023/05/06 01:29 vivo X80-ZEISSY 政 檢舉 盜版 | 建議售價 120 元 | 702051937011 公司理:话:0800-0 敬請支持優質 康軒文教 小試身手。 依提示回答問題 1. Should Emma buy the dress? Emma isn't sure. (用 whether 合併句子) (2) 名詞子句當主詞的用法: 名詞子句 附解答分析), 真人影音角 題題詳解 100~ 2. The cake tastes good. (加入 They said 並改寫句子) 自學便利 (影音解析 詳盡解析 試題收錄 名詞子句 例句 That Ivy decided to study abroad is true. (Ivy 決定出國念書是真的。) = It is true (that) Ivy decided to study abroad. that 引導的 名詞子句 wh- 引導的 名詞子句 whether 引導 的名詞子句 注意 1. 名詞子句當主詞時視為單數,且 that、wh- 疑問詞及 whether 皆不可省略 2. that 引導的名詞子句當主詞時,可和虛主詞 It 的句型互換。 3. whether 引導的名詞子句當主詞時,不能用 if 替換 Why Sam made such a stupid mistake is still a mystery. (Sam 為什麼犯了這麼愚蠢的錯誤仍然是個謎。) Whether they are going to the party (or not) isn't important to me. (他們是否會去那場派對對我來說不重要。) (3) 比較 that 引導的「名詞子句」和「形容詞子句」: 子句 說明 功能同「名詞」,可作 為主詞、受詞或補語 功能同「形容詞」,前 形容詞子句 面須有名詞作為先行 詞 例句 I believe (that) John is an honest boy. (我相信 John 是個誠實的男孩。) 名詞子句為動詞 believe 的受詞 The boy that is riding a bike is Kevin. (那個正在騎腳踏車的男孩是 Kevin。) > 形容詞子句修飾先行詞 The boy → Do you like the cap (that) I bought yesterday? (你喜歡我昨天買的那頂帽子嗎?) 形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the cap

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英文 高中


Coined in 2020, the term "revenge travel" stems from a feeling of wanting to break free from the monotonous life of lockdowns. After being confined in their homes for months due to the fear of the highly contagious disease and subsequent worldwide lockdowns, many people are more before the pandemic, It appears that now, rather than feeling afraid and worried, people are just 11. to travel even 12. lockdowns. With this mindset, the tourism ready to get back at something; the year 2020 industry has greatly bounced back right after the COVID wave starts declining. Many people want to go somewhere so eagerly as they have felt imprisoned for so long. Take India for example. Many people still go traveling out of sheer frustration and the feeling of annoyance from August to October, generally considered the off-season for travel because of unfavorable weather conditions. 13. the freedom of traveling is being celebrated, everything comes at a price. That is, revenge 14. months of lockdown, which breaks the chain of COVID-19 spread., travel has the potential to As tens of thousands of people flock to popular scenic sites, it is crucial for everyone to observe social 15. the chance to be infected will be the last thing people expect. distancing and mask wearing. Although these new norms can be quite disturbing, in the post pandemic era, people have to be prepared to change their behaviors. 11. (A) compelled A 12. (A) lost to $₁5 2 (B) ambitious (C) reluctant (D) desperate (B) occupied with (C) intended for (D) engaged in

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英文 國中


V 31 3 @Z/9 op www 1/9 ELOZOF 11 mp 1 What day 49 421-1 What time at 007 114 115 there are 17 ANDA 3x6 m ²²m 18 19 10210118 84 237 英語科 第2 次複習考 第2單元 8114~6 ·單題,請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。 (每週3分,共453) (D) 1. What day does the boy have science class? A) On Wednesday. On Thursday, (C) On Tuesday. (D) On Friday. (A) hurry () 3 lan: Do you have the Amy: It's ten to ten, A second (B) date (C) minute Di time () 4 When Nancy studied in the USA, she lived house two American girls. A in; of (Cof, with () 5 On Chirldren's day, tickets to the zoo is (A) free (B) famous stays (A) somewhere () 2 My parents will come home late today, so they ask me to the dog after school, (1) go (C) walk ? (B) at; with (D) in; with (A) doesn't have (C) has () 13 Listen! A baby (A) cry (C) is crying () 14 I have to get up early, (A) and () 15 Ruby Sun Let's go check. (D) run (D) strong (C) quiet () 6 The man went to the hospital right after a nose. (B) kiss (A) blow () 7. Lily likes to listen to (C) cry when she is sad. (C) music (A) card (B) movie (D) spell & You are all wet. Go take a bath and make the water as hot as you can or you will catch a cold. (A) fight (B) bear (D) put (C) look () 9. Hang up the phone, please. David won't get lost. He just to cool off. (B) cries (D) cried a Sat to his (D) band (B) here (D) now (C) later ( ) 10 Did you see my black dress? I put it (A) between (B) on (D) over (C) at () 11. Fans up to see their favorite singer in front of the department store. (A) meet (C) hide (D) shake (B) line any cloud in the sky. It will be a lovely day. () 12 There (B) isn't (D) don't have 11 AT A MAR 304 the bed. I will miss the school bus. (C) when (B) or (D) until the dishes now, but she has to take out the trash later. (A) does (B) do (C) is doing (D) did 二、題組:請依所附的短文或圖表,選出一個最適當的答案。 (16~20題每題2分,1~5題每題3分,共55分) (16~20) Zoe: Hi, that's a cool bag. Alice: Thanks. Are you a fan of Red Bear? Zoe: Yes, 16 my favorite band. By the way, my name is Zoe. Nice to meet you. M B23 M Alice: Nice to meet you, too. I am Alice. A-L-J-C-E Zoe: I didn't see you before. Are you new here? Alice: Yes, it's 17 first day at school. Zoe: 18 are you from? Alice: I am from France, like my father. Zoe: Cool, Oh, the bell 19 19 What class are you in? Alice: I am in Class 801 Zoe: Me, too. We are classmates. There 20 a big tree in front of our classroom. Let me show you around. () 16 (A) there is (C) it is ( ) 17 (Wa (C) my ) 18 A) When (C) Who (19 (A ring (C) rings () 20 N have (C) are (21-22) (1) it has (D he is (D) me (1) Where (C) 《背面有試題 2-1》 (Di What (B) is ringing Alaska Boat Trip Guide This guide will help you know more about animals in or near the sea. You can see it during your trip. () 22 Which is true? (D) rang (B) bas (Dis Puffins live on the sea, and they are good at swimming. They have black, white and grey body. Their beaks are black and orange. They look cute, so they are very popular. In May, they come here to build. their nests. You can see them flying over the sea with some fish in their beaks. www. Killer whales are black and white They are not whales. In fact, they are in the dolphin family. We usually see them swim in a group and we call it pod. A good time to see those animals is from June to September. guide thi whale dolphin beak nest () 21. Which picture shows pod? (A) 2 (B) (DI (A) Puffins have black and white beaks. (B) The best time to see killer whales is in early spring. (C) Both animals can live both on land and in the sea. (D) Both animals are black and white.

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英文 國中

請幫我對答案 謝謝❗️

第19章 其他重要句型文法 *0. 2 you relax. (A) 3 up, Kim. you are. 選擇題 1. I just found out yesterday (I weigh 80 kilos) I've gained two kilos in a month. (A) that (B) which 四 gain 增加 (C) what (D if smoking helps you relax might be true, but there are some better ways to help 四 relax 放輕鬆 (A) It (B) Whether (C) That (D) X up early, or you will miss your first class. (A) Getting (B) Get (C) To get (D) Gets +(B) 4 there any fruit left in the refrigerator? (A) Is (B) Are (C) Have D) Will (B) @ I've heard some people have gotten cancer from smoking. 四 cancer 癌症 • (A) of (B) that (C) about (D) to *(13) 6. (A) Not to stand (B) Don't stand (C) Standing D Doesn't stand *(0) 7. Please the door. It's cold outside, and the wind is so strong. (A) do not open (B) not open (C) don't open (D) doesn't open *(0) 8. Kim: It there any pen-of mine on your desk? Ben: Yes, is one. Here (A) it (B) this C) that (D) there *0) 9. There only some water in the bottle. It's not enough for every one of us. (A) have (B) has (C) is (D) are (s) 10. There are millions of people the exciting game at a time. (A) watch B) to watch (C) watched D) watching ( 11 is said that Peter's father died two weeks ago. (A) It KB) This (C) That *(B) 12 It is a sad thing, (A) to Mr. Brown has been dead for two years (B) that Mr. Brown didn't live long enough to see his dreams come true (C) of me to hear the bad news (D) of Tom has made up his mind to leave here on time when you have a date with friends. (C) Do (D) Must (A) Will be (B) Always be (U) 14. It's convenient everyone can use the computer to do all the work. (D) X (C) that (A) for (B) to tomorrow or not. (B) 15. I am not sure whether Tom (C) came (D) coming (A) comes (B) will come b) They () 13

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物理 高中


說有 語人和 am 外 ) ep人人說 所有登的萬有引力最值為何 ? 時 “Aa-枝避 RE 仿 jo. 語SA Am cay10om2 ccy49m pm (g14c 和 例 VAN媽條84 怕 9R 3R 3Ry- 9 加 8 CA_)\技全eye2必閏 《侈3》.茶機栓每分鐘發射 400 顆子彈, 每顆子彈質量為10 克,子彈以加護 300 分只/秒才間駁守 人AN Ms。 全 尊璧德立過停止,則岩石所受之衝力為(A)10 (B)20 (CC)25C0D) 30 (吧)46 等蛀 yy 喉隔多心% 《B 桿兩喘,並繞甘斷心必鋼線容@ Coy5S一553 《 [4.禮對為mm的甲球與搞量為 3m 的乙球分別固定在一長為工的細 誕薄,干點與繹桿垂直,旋轉時細桿長度不變, 設繹桿極輕, 其人資量可以怨路不徐。吹惠咬的 記 起伍與禪長相引極小, 也可以忽略不計。則相對於質心, 此轉動率統的角動)量的二人蛋為了肥 2 5 二 說全 S人1 全 才全 CK MASK 銳者?(A)地中4@(有日)污呈CC25m@CD35呈9() 呈@@ 災選5 人吧只 ˋNMNN蔭 SA Aiy) tsy AS 和 vCm/sS 40 5.以高焉志影機拍攝一質量為 50g 之網球撞擊 2 起而的過程。所得到的球中心速度y對時間, 的變花如上所示,則在撞擊牆面的過程中, 9 網球受到牆面乎均作用力的量值,最接近 時 示列何者 ? (4) 0.02N (B) 0.放 (C) 放 9 2 (EE) 200N <S_ 凡 一質量M的質點以2.0m /s的速率身右運動、, 與酚立約另一俱堅 AN多買較 (八全8扛 了本質量的質點反彈,以速率0.50m/$所左運動,史嘲 NCU 向右的逝率約為多少?(A)0 (85) 0.38m/s_(C)0.63m/$s (D)G.9Aw/s 25呈/6,

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