

英文 國中


9 2108 Bunun DAL jo y w S M uu un IN Os 31 3 10 6.95 CINGO TAL •ung 1 can may 42-4 英語科 第 4 次複習考 93 82 L1-2 、單題:請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。 (1~5題每題2分,6~15期每週3分,共40) () 1 Peter in the evening. (A) watches TV ( plays soccer (C) does exercises D uses computer () 2 There is little rain this summer, so the water problem now. ( facing D) working 3 There was something wrong with my took me to the dentist. (B) ear A tooth (C) eye (D) leg () 4. Which is your favorite running or football? (B) tricks (D) sports we are (A) playing (C) saving A things (C) stories () & Does the washing machine (A) save () 6 Ken. every day. (A) does (B) be () 7. Many people think () 14 1 three times a week. (A) always () 9. The girl (A) have EST TW ? I can't turn it on. (B) play (C) change (D) work play the piano very well. He practices it day. It gives you power to start a new day. (A) breakfast (B) lunch (D) menu (C) dinner () & My brother is late for school. He is late at least so my mom (C) do (D) can is the most important meal in a (C) seldom (D) never (B) often a lot of make-up on her face. (B) has (D) is WWW MAREMUDAN A 1922 m A 20 on 20111014 (B) does (D) hasn't be late, so don't wait for me. (C) is having () 10 Sam won't go to the party tonight because he is with his work. (C) tired (D) thick (A) hungry (B) poor son. He is eleven. His brother Mike is. () 11 Ted is my nine and his sister is five. (A) only (B) first ( ) 12 John, Kate's brother, (A) speaking (C) speaks () 13 My wife can cook, but she (A) can't (C) doesn't (C) very (D) small both French and German. (B) speak (D) spoke She seldom cooks. (A) need (B) may (D) have to (C) should () 15 It's time for the first class. Tim isn't here. He comes late. (A) never (B) already (C) always (D) enough 二、題組:請依所附的短文或圖表,選出一個最適當的答案。 (每題3分,共60分) (16~20) Felicia is a housewife. She 16 get up early and prepares breakfast for her family. Then, she drives her children. to school. After that, she goes back home to do the housework. 17. She cleans the living room, kitchen, and tidies the bedroom. In the afternoon, she goes to college and has some () 16 (A) have (C) have to () 17 ( children. (C) kid's ( 18 ) there have (C) there are () 19 (A) this (C) these () 20 A never (C) seldom English lessons. Then, she picks up the children from school and makes dinner. It's hard work, but 18 some good things. After her husband, Abel, comes back, he looks after the children. until they go to bed. During 19 hours, Felicia 20 goes shopping or sees a movie with her best friend, Nina. She enjoys these free hours. (21-23) 100 el 6 3 6 M 22 M ) 21. What is a tragedy? (B) has (Di has to (B) children's (D) child's (1) there has (D there is 《背面有試題 4-1》 (D) an (B) ever (D) usually 40 (A) A bad experience. (B) A difficult dish to make. (C) An easy thing to do. (D) A favorite kind of food. () 22 Which is true about the reading? Eddie invited his friends to his tasting party last Saturday. He worked hard in the kitchen and tried baking the cookies several times. However, it was a tragedy from the beginning. First, only two of his friends came. Eddie invited twenty! All the others were either sick or busy. As soon as Cindy and Mandy arrived, it started to rain heavily. Eddie set the party in the yard. When he hurried to take the food and drinks in, he fell off the stairs and hurt his knees. He felt bad about losing face in front of the girls. Then the girls tried some of his cookies. They made a face and said the cookies were INTERESTING! Eddie didn't understand how cookies could taste interesting. He tried one himself and knew right away. His chocolate cookies were not sweet. They were salty. He mistook salt for sugar. salty 7-120 college N Peo (A) Many of Eddie's friends came to his party. (B) Eddie had an outdoor tasting party last Sunday. (C) Cindy and Mandy didn't like Eddie's cookies. (D) Eddie put too much sugar, so his cookies tasted strange. 23 Why did the girls say Eddie's cookies were interesting? (A) The cookies looked interesting. (B) The cookies tasted yummy. (C) They wanted to have more of his cookies. (D) They didn't want Eddie to feel hurt.

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自然 國中

51題求解 急~

請閱讀下列敘述後,回答 50. ~52. 題: 今天是慎平國中的校外教學日,學校安排學生去參觀消防分隊,認識消防安 全的重要性。楨育當天看到了消防車的灌水演練、消防員的緊急出動、雲梯車高空 救人、消防員的緊急救護、車內失火的緊急逃離、室內火災的模擬、火災現場的科 學原理……等,如圖(三十九)所示。讓禎育覺得消防員的工作內容多且辛苦,真是 令人敬佩,其中也學到很多科學知識,不再認為只是拿著超大水槍去灑水,嚮導消 防員也說因為其中原理太多,一般民眾無法理解,所以在火災現場逗留,更是去干 擾消防員的工作。 消防局 田田田田 SO II 119 圖(三十九) = . 0.5 = txt As 50. 禎育在參觀車內失火的緊急逃離課程,教 o.skyn 500 gw 災時,如果出口被堵住無法順利逃離,可」 官還作勢要用拳頭擊破車窗,當然教官是 作弄 b 的旁邊有一個叫做車窗擊破器,如圖(四十 500x]; t00 (C) 窗戶的四個角落敲下去,就可以讓窗戶順, 《六:不 擊破器要將此窗戶擊破所需施力為多少公 (A) 0.05 公克重 (B) 0.5 公克重 W (C) 5公克重 (D) 50 公克重 圖(四十) 1 ( A 雲梯車載著消防員到6樓高的地方去灌水救火,火勢稍微變小後,卻看到9樓的窗 「戶冒出火焰,需要緊急滅火。消防車裡的水經由本身的加壓馬達將水加壓,以利送 Eocery Cin? Cors= 51, forestyan 0.8=701 arxay=7 C: 3 h到更高的地方,加壓馬達的最大輸出水图 2800kgwumi,現場大樓的每一層樓都 為3m高,試問消防水線能否到達9樓救火呢? (A)能,水線最高可到達10樓 (B)能,水線最高可到達11 樓 (C)不能,水線只能到達7樓 (D)不能,水線只能到達8樓 2m B 52. 當天氣壓為 lam,消防車水箱見底,又因為地處偏遠找不到消防栓,村長說附近有 一口井可以抽水來救火。目前井水水面離井口2公尺深,井口面積約2m,抽水馬 達可以將井中氣壓降到0.2atm,試問抽水馬達可以抽取約多少m?的水來用? (A) 10m (B) 13m

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英文 國中


12:03 山3G 81%] 4 { 英語1下句... 一下句型 P. 14 在我 Unit 5 There Was a Lot of Trash in the Sea Grammar Focus 1 非想 姓名 · 請依提示符句子改寫句子 9. Who is am the hall? (加上「昨晚」並改成否定) 1. Winnie is short. E last year 10. Who are you with by the lake? (oni) 2. Eric is in Taiwan. (OL 1990) 3. Rachel and Tiffany are good friends. (ut at that time) 二·請寄出正確的 be 動詞形式 1. They in the river every weekend. 2. Patty happy an hour ago. 4. It is rainy. (but yesterday morning) 3. Eva late for school on Fridays. 5. Yoga and Kiki are in the mountains. (ut two months ago) 4. Samantha and Daniel busy every day . fat last year, but he 5. Franklin thin now 6. There is a rainforest near my house. (but in the past) 6. Where 7. When you last night? Gary's birthday party? Was it last month? ? you then? 7. Thulianals is at the beach. (加入「前天,並改成否定) 8. Where 9. Who with you the day before yesterday? ? a cup of coffee? 8. There are three people at Olivia's kitchen. 10. How much 【加入「上週末」並改成否定) 一下旬型 P15 三,請依畫線部分造問句 四: 1. No, the fish wasn't under the sea at that time. 1. 上個星期我在我姑姑山丘上的新房子, 2. Hilton was twelve years old last year. 2. A:他們兩小時前在教室安靜嗎? B:不,他化沒有 3. There is an island in the sea. 3. 兩年前,遊樂場的附近有一因美的海滩· 4. There were three cans of coffee in the kitchen. 4. 我那時很矮且很胖, 5. It was September 28 last Wednesday. 5. 今天早上,每件事都很好(fine) - 6. 依畫線部分造原問句(用 Who. Where, What. When 造句) The boy was in the park with two cats at that time, 6.派對過後,Patrick 人在理 (1) (2 (2) (3) L A

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英文 高中

答案選起來都感覺怪怪的 求解 謝謝!

人 viost Ot uS Stane on the ground when we take photos. But one special kind of Photo-shooting, aerial photography, (1) more effort. This involves* taking photos from 也e air, which helps the photographer 一(2) bird”s eye views that would be impossible from the ground. A photographer could never Imanage__(3) an entire crowd at a muslc festival, the inside ofa volcano*, ora whole forest froin 1 the ground. The photographer needs to geta camera up into the sky 一 (4) he or she can really capture the scene。 _ (5) aerial photography, the impossible becomes possible. But how can they do it? One way is to attach a camera to Something that flies, such as a drone*, an airplane, or even a bird. Another way is for the photographer to go up into the air in a helicopter (6 photos. The ability to achieve beauftiful photos is not only (7)_the importance ofaerial Photography lies. It can also be used to record the serious damage that has been done 二(8) our environment. (9)_, Chi Po-lin used aerial photography and cinematography* to create the film 2eyozZ eg人2- Z7g7.方07z 42oue. Aerial photography is so difficult, expensive, and sometimes so dangerous fhat not many Photographers do it. However, we are very grateful to aerial photographers (10) their Photos. They help us appreciate the beauty ofour natural world while also making us Increasingly aware ofthe need to preserve* 計 註 : inyolye 包含 volcano 火山 drone 無人駕駛飛機 cinematography 作方法”preserve 保存 )(1)(A) takes (B) costs(C) spends(D) makes )(2)(A) to capturing(B) to capture_(C) capturing_(D) captures (2 了) (3)(A) capture(B) to capturing (C) to capture_(D) capturing 5 )(4)(A) for fear 也at(B) as iF (C) even though_(D) so that 8 )(5)(A) Through (B) Despite_(C) Soon after(D) Aside from % 史 (@)(A) shoot (B) shooting (C) to shoot_(D) to shooting a (7)(A) which (B) where (C) what _(D)how (A) on _(B)over (Cto_(D) at 和 吉 1 6 0 ( ( ( ( ( 咖 號 回 1.(A) deliver IsSeel away Our _ be too littl for each fs more fun First, 過 ai Verybody Iyo heW gift1 Open ana is the coT to celett

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