

商業與管理 大學


班級 1:34 在美國有個研究生卡拉她替外國學生修改論文 1. 計算填入 MR 邊際收益數值 2. 劃出保留價格線(需求線 D)與遍濟收益線 MR BUFFET 原來在公司當經理年薪資 US$11,000 他想種玉米地租設備與耗材支出達 US$10,000 若每年玉米出售可以賺 US$22,000 若農地是畢費繼承而得,農地地租行情為 $6,000會有什麼改變? 請問 1.會計利潤是多少? 2.經濟利潤是多少? 3.正常利潤是多少? 4.他應該繼續種玉米嗎? 36 34 32 30 學生 保安價格 收益 A $40 $40 B 38 | $76 C $108 D $136 E $160 F $180 G 垃圾老師出的垃圾題目 MR | 公司的利得| $100/日| $150/日 居民的利得 $100/日 $70/日 總利得 | $200/日| $220/日 生產成本與排煙量 B 製程(排煙量) 3(噸/日) 汙泥石油 200 西北木材 320 1. 汙染不受管制.兩家製造成本總共多少? 姓名 A 4(噸/日) 100 300 2. 若政府要求汙染減半,兩家製造成本總共多少? 到伯克隆比的公司生產有毒廢棄物除非要区居民同 一點都不嚴謹是要怎麼做答 詳細計算 且詳細說明 C 2(噸/日) 600 380 3.卡拉時間的機會成本為 $29 經濟利潤多少? 4.為了符合 社會效率$30 卡拉應訂幾份報告? 4G 67 5.若她盯差別訂價其經濟利潤多少?” D 1(噸/日) 1300 480 3. 若政府每噸汙染課稅$101.兩家製造成本總共多少?污染排放量幾噸? 4. 若政府每噸汙染課稅$1001.兩家製造成本總共多少?污染排放量幾噸? E (噸/日) 2300 700

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英文 高中

請問為什麼是Penthouse 而不是Loft呢?謝謝!

Welcome to Puss' Pet Hotel, world-class cat accommodation in the Dreamvalley metropolitan area. Our guests benefit from trusted and professional care. Our qualified staff have exceptional skills, knowledge and a genuine love of cats. Your pet's safety, comfort and wellbeing are our highest priority. Cat Boarding We know that cats can be a little precious about their living arrangements and require absolute purrfection. That's why Puss' Pet Hotel offers two types of climate-controlled, spacious, clean and comfortable cat accommodation. Our Loft Condo offers a private litter box and secluded sleeping area with soothing music to ensure your special feline enjoys cozy comfort and privacy. Our Penthouse Condo offers two-story accommodation, providing your distinguished kitty with plenty of room to stretch out and explore its home-away-from-home. Loft Condo Penthouse Condo Standard Nightly Rates $20 / night, with each additional cat sharing the same condo costing an additional $5 / night $30/night, with each additional cat sharing the same condo costing an additional $10/night We offer a 20% discount for pets boarding ten plus nights at our hotel. (D) Smuage will rest in www vy vuiti cats 38. Please look at the calendar below. Alex's two cats will stay in the hotel in the coming month. They will check in on Oct. 8 and leave on the morning of Oct. 19. Alex wants to settle his two cats in one condo, but also wants to give them separate space. Which condo is he most likely to choose and how much is the boarding fee? (A) Loft, $220. (B Loft, $275. (C) Penthouse, $352.) Penthouse, $440. Oct. Wed. 275 ros 8p Sun. 3 ✓ 10 17 24 31 Mon. Tue. 4 ✓ 11 18 25 5 √12 19 26 Thu. Fri. 1 7 V8 V15 22 29 6 v 13 √14 20 27 41128 Sat. 2 9 N16 23 30 V

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