

地理 高中


4:22PM Mon Jan 29 x 00 Geography 分科魯 s " x 04-111分科測驗公民與社會試卷... ( T D 項目 PQ (A)政府權力來自人民,若政府未保障人民權利與實現公平正義則人民可抵抗政府 (B)侵犯人民權利的惡法是國家暴力,人民以暴制暴對抗政府可彰顯惡法非法精神 (C)為免代議民主失靈,公民不服從與集會遊行都是人民平常維護憲政秩序的手段 0 (D)為保障政治平等,每個人基於自由意志都可以拒絕服從自己認為不正義的法律 某民主國家的國會議員選舉,可由各地最高層級的地方政府決定當地國會議員選舉 規則。有的地方政府採取得票最多者當選;有的要求得票數必須過半,若無人過半 就由得票較多的兩人進入第二輪投票對決。依據前述資訊判斷該國的中央與地方政 府權限劃分,下列推論何者最可能? (A)地方政府屬性是執行中央政府命令的行政機關 (B)地方有行政和立法自治權但司法權隸屬於中央 (C)憲法授權中央必要時得變更地方行政區域劃分 (D)憲法未明文列舉屬於中央政府的職權則歸地方 目 公民分科civil ethics 8. 小艾蒐集中國共產黨建黨百年僅有的三份「歷史決議」,並整理出以下摘要表。此 摘要表最能夠佐證中國政治的何種特性? 文件 第一份 第二份 第三份 年代 1945 年 1981年 2021 年 內容摘述「毛澤東代表中國 產 擁護以鄧小平為代表 全黨全軍全國人民要 階級和中國人民代表的黨的正確領導 更緊密團結在以習近 A 黨的正確路線 平為核心的黨中央周 圍 令41%口

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英文 高中


American Civil War was drawing to a close, French historian Édouard de Laboulaye proposed that a monument be built as a gift from France to the United States 13. the latter's success in building a logrice mi desh gola ebigy sag is most inneb, 0. viable* democracy and to honor the efforts of late president Abraham Lincoln. In addition, it was wen adi smoolsw yedi bloowinnon tont juodur Ingin Split gririch hon Laboulaye's hope that 14. attention to the achievements of the United States in abolishing* slavery*, nousbbs kaino 70090 1150i- grinamed af the French people would be inspired to create their own democracy in the face of a repressive monarchy. bas esmilet tad zestaze, 10 oupazom Isopilog, vavans, of bem clerfin unle Sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, known for his large sculptures, was commissioned* to oversee* this di Aquouiry project. The goal was to complete the sculpture in 1876 to celebrate the United States' one hundred years di Jos blod's Houd (a) unorius sail of roomi sibling testtorianiom is gnivig ostil vilicujos ar egys from the United Kingdom. The statue was designated as a national monument in 1924. of 15. viable bom99009 abolish slavery # commission E oversee T 11. (A) this statue locates (B) lay this statue 1 (C) does this statue stands (D) stands this statue 2956i ording ai des d E URED ) (C) which presented (B) to be presented (D) 12. (A) presenting inddsuorit broide and it hort com 2 2000, otel odt or lord catch online nedur to (D) in competition with (C) in celebration of (B) within reach of tol s bening hot blow art (C) 13. (A) close to (D) calling onionat ajoubora waeng no nose od me big wor (B) called (C) 14. (A) calls (D) continent 2996iq wildung jedin bas ellow zeitsleg mis mebom odil 250 lg di 20 low as adored of guidiola moti Tentsio 195712 2011 20200 102 10emerlo brusesse o sbuloni among billing nommo * om III. X vins Dooq (C) by calling (B) ) 15. (A) colonization (B) independence (C) removal : 20% beralamos e on (D) presented o 129 mist (B) annual nam abse (C) short of dito (D) matchmaking (E) keep up consoreilebac

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英文 高中


1 2. 3 4. D) Basically, they go on voyage after voyage in search of an immense treasure buried somewhere by the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. B C 閱讀測驗1 There he flies, turns, lands and—to da- a disaster is saved, by Superman. “Come on,” you roll your eyes. “That's NOT real.” But admit it -we LOVE superman. Since the debut of the prototypical superhero Superman in 1938, stories of various superheroes have dominated American comic books and crossed over into such other media as films and animations. Versatile as these super characters may be, they do share certain traits. We know the double-life secret that Peter Parker is Spider-man, Bruce Wayne the Batman, and Clark Kent the Man of Steel. The secret identity has a civilian job while the “super-me” puts on an eye-catching costume, or custom-made accessories like Wonder Woman's bracelets. We are concerned that the bad guys play tricks so as to hurt these protectors. Fortunately enough, our superheroes normally have a base to go for “restoration” to. The Batcave has everything the Batman needs. Isn't that great? Furthermore, these super icons may have some backups and do not always have to work independently. The Fantastic Four or X-men team up as they have common origins or sponsors. These super teams are like a marvelous circle. Nevertheless, there are downsides being a superhero. Credits are not always given as the Batman and Spider-man meet with public skepticism or outright hostility. A superhero may even lose control as the Hulk has an issue with his violent alter ego. We love to see the superheroes think big and achieve big. They for sure reflect what we are and what we want to be. In summary, superheroes are popular and iconic because they each represent a large part of a society's traits and values. Everyone can relate to at least one hero and villain, because those heroes are designed to show the best parts of society, and the villains represent the worst parts. 5 What can we say about the author's tone? (A) Angry. (B) Formal. (C) Harsh. (D) Relaxed. 48 主题5 藝文世界

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英文 高中


Although stories about aliens have never been officially confirmed, thelr existence has been widely speculated upon. Many people believe that 1 __from outer space have visited us for centuries. Some say that life on Earth 2 “out there and was seeded here. Others_ say that aliens have 3 what happens on Earth, and are responsible for quite a few legends, and that the ancient Greek and Roman gods, _ 4 thefairies and dwarfs in many classicaltales, WerTe in fact “Space people”living here. Stll 5 _say that aliens were Tesponsible_ for the * growth of highly evolved civilizations which have_6 - perished, including the Incan and Mayan civilizations and the legendary Atlantis. Alot ofancient civilizations, “7 __the Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, and Mayans, have ]eft writings and _8 which indicate contacts With superior beings “from the stars.”Many believe that the aliens are here to help us,while Others hold that the aliens intend us 9 __.Still others think that most aliens visit Earth to Study us like our scientists Study primitive natives and animals, and have no interest in helping us_10 It is difficult to comment conclusively on these theories in general, apart from saying that any and all of them might be possible. Maybe time will tell 93 年學測 (tfA) as well as (B)belngs (C) drawlings (Djin any way “(E)keptan eye on (F)like (G) others 出 originated (Isince (JD) harm 全 Ans 較 以 , 有 轉 T Wi 力 eonfirm [km'fwm] @ 證實 人 apart form 遠離; 除~以外 人金 originate lsrdsanetl @ Time will tell.”時間會說明一切。

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英文 高中


[讓0ZEE語4條 讀 - 您無法將變更儲存到這個檔案。 V 15. (A) what (B) which (C) them (D) these 第16至20題 Road running 1s one of the most popular and accessible athletic activities in the world. It refers to the sport ofrunning on paved roads or established paths as opposed to track and field, or cross country Tunning. The three most common _16 “forroadrunning events are 10K runs,halfmarathons (21.1K), and marathons (42.2K). Road running 1s umique among athletic events because it _17 all ages and abilities. In many cases first time amateurs are welcome to participate in the same event as running club members and even current world-class 18 “.Sometimes it may also include wheelchair entrants. Road running often offers those _19 “arange of challenges such as dealing with hills, sharp bends, rough weather, and so on. Runners are advised to traln prior to participating in arace. Another lmportant factor contrlbuting to success ls a sultable pair ofrunning shoes. Roadrunning 1s oftenacommunlity-wide event that highlights orralses money foran issue orproject. 20“,Race for the Cure 1s held throughout the U.S. to ralse breast cancer awareness. This race 1s also ITun in Germany, Italy, and Puerto Rico. 16. (A) Journeys (B) distances (C) destinations (D) measurements 17. (A) caters to (B) depends on (C) goes after (D) identifies with 18. (A) matches (B) civilians (C) assoclations (D) champions 19. (A) involving (B) involved (C) to Involve (D) are involved 20. (A) Above all (B) For example (C) As it appears (D) To some extent 三、文意選填 (占10分) 說明 : 第21題至第30題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的(A)到(L)選項 中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案 品」。各題答對者 , 得1分 ;答錯、末作答或畫記多 於一個選 選項者 , 該題以 零分計算。 第21至30題為題組 The 1918 influenza epidemic, which _occurred during World War I was one of the most devastating health crises of the 20th century. Between September 1918 and June 1919, more than 第 3 有 共7 甩

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