

英文 高中


hsth. 覆滿某物 某事 23 More Than a Pretty Picture S. Y ou visit a tourist attraction, and everybody around you has digital cameras. In the crowd, however, you notice one person carrying a small unde bin toy-like camera—a LOMO camera. Interested, you later search the Internet for more information. 5 Hool verT/(B) bnet explosent (3) The LOMO photography ("lomography") craze began in 1991, when two Viennese students bought an old LOMO film camera and began experimenting. The pictures were different from any they had seen before. Some colors were too bright, some objects were blurry, and the pictures looked strange. But their oddness inspired a style of photography that would become popular worldwide 10 王於吾乎 成為熱門景點 一定又會遲至 童,向他人求 美」理論, ,必須經拍 其對應的 rigenpotoriq i exst (8) With modern cameras, every aspect of a picture is controllable. However, this isn't the case with LOMO cameras. These fun and simple machines have special features like colored flashy and fish-eye lenses. They produce pictures with an element of unpredictability which makes using them a novel experience. To get even more out of your one-of-a-kind tool, ignore the basic rules of photography 15 39 and follow lomography.com's "ten golden rules 3-A.C -以詩的 条水草 LOMO cameras provide a change of pace from modern digital ones. In our high-tech world, LOMO cameras let us appreciate the low-tech side of film photography. As the old saying goes, "stop and smell the roses." And while you're at it, take a picture of them, too. With a LOMO camera, you'll get a new and 20 peculiar perspective of the world every time. 虹似 2.85

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