

數學 國中


( 34.~35.) Hi, I am Jamie. My special place is in a big apple tree by my grandparents' garden. My grandpa built it for my sister and me. To get there, I have to climb up a ladder. Grandpa built it with wood and it also has a roof, so we don't get wet when it rains. I like to sit inside when it rains. The sound makes me comfortable. Sometimes I have food with my sister and cousins there. One day, I wanted to spend the night there, but it was really dark. I was afraid, so I went back to the house. vobiulp? Hi, my name is Karen. My special place is in a park near my home. I go there with my friends. It is not in the center of the park, so few people go there. There is a bench under a tree, and we often sit and talk there. It makes us very happy. There is a beautiful fountain and we often play water in it. It is a great place when the weather is hot. The tall trees there can help us keep out of the sun. In the spring, there are many beautiful flowers. It is more like the country than a park in the city. ladder 梯子 wood木材 roof屋頂 fountain 噴泉 34. Which is the right picture of the special place? (A) Jamie's m.q08 (B) Jamie's uto2 mw onex99W DD 21 Did b Yoineetblirb JUC r t'nob uoY chowezuor apnhd ne .2M dor by glori abbl (C) Karen's (D) Karen's 91blirb ynoma ob of mert b9b not agit aw? smol law by slows bas ov w.moo.zhit.www Jiziv To 1200-0588-40 ( ) 35. Which is NOT true? almid (A) Karen's special place is in the city. wla naniol" bina bom e vodol25 (B) Karen likes to play water with her friends. W mid 10 taong i sno zirli (C) Jamie stayed in his favorite place for nights. (D) There is a garden next to Jamie's special place. smol Jow? (A) M() .smita coin2.0

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國文 國中

想問這篇 覺得新詩好難……

索寓言 棘, 我, 己, ? 理有限 專 青 第三部分 7. 蠹魚 「我們是消極的蠹魚,蛙書是我們唯一的 事業。我們安身立命,在幽微的 縫隙謙卑俯仰。為了適應環境,盡力 將身體壓扁,變平,以囓食文字和紙張 維生,在穿透頁與頁之間任歲月流逝。 我們的生命是陰鬧無聲的:面對繁麗 多變的世界,永壤甘心白紙黑字的貧瘠: 在人們翻閱書頁時,奮力藏身,噤聲 保護自己。我們在書冊裡默默繁殖 DA 新詩 苟且偷生:我們怕樟腦丸,殺蟲劑,光 和人們的注意;我們行動遲緩,暴露 之後無所遁逃於天地之間。 支持我們活下去的莫非生存的 宿命:將風雨名山的經典蛀穿。 DA 、白話文 97 220字王添源 注 ①永壤:意思近似「永遠」。這 是很少見的用法,與基督教術語 相關。 (B)文字平淡簡單、少了情緒,僅純粹寫景 (C)運用對比與誇飾等技巧,用力追憶往事 (D)以譬喻、轉化手法,具體描繪喜愛閱讀 1. 關於這首詩的解讀,下列何者正確? (A)我們是消極的蠹魚/作者認為閱讀是逼不得已的工作 (B)在穿透頁與頁之間任歲月流逝/描述閱讀使愛書人荒廢青春歲月 (C)在人們翻閱書頁時,奮力藏身,噤聲/希望人們注意到愛書人的存 在 (D)宿命:將風雨名山的經典蛀穿/表達愛書人閱讀不朽著作的決心毅 力 2 下列關於這首詩的寫作分析,何者最恰當? (A)善用不同的詞性,凸顯生活的單調無趣 新詩

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