

數學 高中


菩 59. 利用乾電池、鋼線、強力磁鐵可以做出許多電磁相關的小玩具,例如單極馬達或是在 線圈中奔跑的小電車。單極馬達有許多形式,圖(17)是其中一種,將乾電池負極接上 一個強力磁鐵,再彎曲銅線連接磁鐵與電池正極,銅線就會開始旋轉。而如圖(18)所 示,線圈中奔跑的小電車做法是在乾電池正負極都接上強力磁鐵,然後放在以銅線做 成的螺線管中,乾電池就會在螺線管中開始移動。 B 磁鐵 銅線 圖(17) 圖(18) 58. 電與磁在生活中有很多應用,這些都是由於許多科學家多年來的努力集結而成的,下 列有限重磁現象的敘述,哪些正確?(應選2項) 安培發現通電流的導線附近有磁場發現電流的磁效應 (B) 載流導線具有磁場,故會受到自身磁場影響而受力,可以右手開掌定則找受力方向 (C) 法拉第發現當線圈内的磁力線數目變化時,線圈會產生感應電流 LAN SN 磁鐵 (D)在電磁理論發展 前赫茲率先由實驗中確認電磁波的存在 (E) 馬克士威統合電磁現象,以簡潔的數學方程式寫下一組方程式定量描述電磁現象 (3) 關於單極馬達的裝置方式以及銅線旋轉的方向(由電池正極向下看),請選出下列正 確的敘述。 (A) 磁鐵上方為N 極下方為S 極,順時針轉 (B) 磁鐵上方為 N 極下方為S 極,逆時針轉 (C) 磁鐵上方為S 極下方為N 極 順時針轉 , (D) 磁鐵上方為S 極下方為N 極,先順時針轉一圈再逆時針轉一圈,交錯進行 (E) 磁鐵上方為N 極下方為 S極,先順時針轉半圈再逆時針轉半圈,交錯進行 60. 圖(19)是由乾電池、磁鐵與銅線螺線管製作的小電車, 電池正極所接的磁鐵磁極如圖(19)所示。 (1) 請在圖中標出螺線管的電流方向。(1分) 磁鐵 (2) 請在圖中標出電池負極所接的磁鐵磁極。 (3) 請描述電池為何受力?受力的方向?並以此來解釋 電池為什麼會向左移動。(2分) 磁鐵,五右邊引力。 0 SN 磁鐵 2010 X.S 圖(19)

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英文 高中

48題寫這樣可以嗎 解答寫doping

a 第47 至50 題為題組 After Thomas Hicks, an American marathon runner, collapsed right after he won the race in the 1904 Summer Olympics, people found that he didn't rumple because of exhaustion but because of the mixture of egg whites, brandy, and Strychnine, which is now used as an ingredient of Pesticide . This strange incident isállegedly the regson why the 1908 London Olympics forbade athletes to use drugs during the games. T. Doping, however, is nothing new in Olympics . Some of the ancient athletes in Olympics consumed specially-formulated substances to enhance their performance, ranging from herbs, fungi, to royal jelly and testicles. This old problem not only has a long history, but also seems to remain and expand in sports. (More than a hundred Russian athletes are reported to be barred from the 2016 Rio Games as Russians allegedly bribed anti-doping officials to swap their athletes’ urine samples. Though it's difficult to give exact numbers of athletes who use drugs to enhance their performance, according to a study in 2015) about one third of outstanding athletes are involved in doping to some degree. Performance-boosting drugs are not exclusive to Olympians. Any 30-something young man who is into working out in the gym could be taking inabolic steroids from time to time. Though each year, athletes and their trainers find new plans to consume or administer drugs, there is not much change in the types of drugs. The most popular one is anabolic steroids and human growth hormone. Some common drugs can also be used as bogsters, such as asthma medicine and insulin. As anti-doping agencies lay down more and more rigid rules for inspection, athletes come up with smarter ways to handle doping, like a Schemed schedule of using drugs so that their excellence peak émerges before the sports event to avoid being Notorious as doping may sound, the intention to enhance performance is as positive as ápplying technology to sports competition. Perhaps the authorities concerned should rethink the “real spirit” of sports and check which drug or which technology has violated the spirit so as to decide on Consistent and thorough regulations. tested.

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