

英文 高中

這篇看的有點矇 想請問是真的那些單字有一字多義的這些意思 還是這題出題有錯誤

in an ng S ge 1. er DAR 三、文意選填(占10分)(請忽略大小寫) 品牌 019W 第21 至 30 題為題組 The 29. doum Den (A turns out (B) come across (F) accomplishment (G) in addition elod Societies and cultures are continually adapting, and long-practiced customs are disappearing. One 21, that is slowly fading out of practice is the Swedish custom of Fika. 22. the habit of grabbing 年銷 a latte at Starbucks on the way to work, Fika is a true coffee break. On a Fika break, a person spends 1–2 hours forgetting about work and enjoying their companion, whether it be a friend or a novel. Unfortunately, this 23. custom is in danger, and not just in Sweden. The fast-paced, high (n)擁有物 財產 pressure world we live in today has made time a precious possession. Our ambition to be successful 無義急 often makes it seem like there are no worthwhile reasons to spend that time on anything as pointless as a survive ( their success at work 14 cup of coffee. We devote all our energy to our career, and many people 24. with success in life, We 25. spending more time with our clients than we do with our friends. We 26. have time for family. tovi Fika, on the other hand, is about separating our li so. And M what work, we are 21. 26. IC AH » on the other hand, is about separating our lives from our work, even if it's just for an hour or 22. 27. HB (C) that 27. Fika, there are no rules. It can be done at home, in a park, or on a train. It can be done 2900F HONE with coffee or tea, with or without a sweet dessert. Its only_28. is that one removes oneself from the HIBE daily grind for a brief escape below average (#4) piqor ST (C) disgusting A. (D) varied (H) amazing A (I) rewarded Hi boug ++# / 847) De moments. We can connect with people we care for and who care for us in return. And when we return to 30. be more productive and focused. Perhaps it's time for you to schedule a Fika break. CI BE 25. JA GE 23. R 30. E.G. into varied (47 (n) Huomib of a Fika break are numerous. We can step away from job pressure for a few brief con 28. brush to 73 mish gri (D) take part in (D) where V. (1) below average FJ T 78 A(E) survive 24. 29. SON itsn seitseng ait ol tosido vlamorta enorgiler

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自然 國中


A) Uz=2E乙 2 )將小球固定 運動,手的位 的正東方,其 A)正南方 ))承上題 A)正東方 將 方向以 1) Ext Z 請閱讀下列敘述後,回答 37-38 期 以下為位於雲林縣古坑鄉劍湖山世界主題樂園裡面遊樂設施一飛天潛艇G5的介紹與圖片:(~擷取自劍湖山世界網站~ 依劍湖山世界山勢量身打造的造型鋼骨支架,讓G5飛馳於蒼翠綠意之間,全長共384 公尺,以140kw馬力攀上65公尺的高空,再以110公里時速、超越人體極限5個G的 重力加速度,垂直向下俯衝!飛天遁地的刺激歷程,讓您的感官神經警覺豎起、放聲 尖叫,與地心引力展開一場大對決,玩了還想再玩! 37. 正向力 ☆飛天潛艇 G5 的相關科學原理☆ 飛天潛艇G5 之所以能夠在短時間加速到時速 110 公里,除了利用列車引擎推進的動力加速列車提升動能外,還利用了列 車往下落時,因為高度下降,重力位能轉換成動能的原理。 負 1)在飛天潛艇 G5 垂直向下俯衝的過程中,有受到重力、空氣阻力及軌道的正向力作用, 請問這些力對列車作功的種 類分別為何?(A)作正功、作負功、作正功 (B)作正功、作負功、不作功 (C)作負功、作正功、不作功 (D)作負 功、作正功、作正功 38、 ·D )下列對於乘坐飛天潛艇 G5 時功與能的敘述,何者錯誤? (A)雖然有受到空氣阻力,但仍會遵守能量守恆定律 (B) 在列車上升至 65 公尺高空的過程中,重力位能持續增加 (C)在列車往下加速至時速 110 公里的過程中,動能持續 增加 (D)引擎推進的動力在列車上升時作正功、列車下降時作負功

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