

英文 高中


6. into Because so many people drink chai, people making it are in high demand. Therefore, chaiwallahs can be found everywhere. Some sit on street corners, where they boil milk Wis``tea leaves, sugar, and various spices. Not until the tea tastes perfect small glasses to be sold to passersby for ten rupees (NT$4). Some chaiwallahs use a 7.: one person prepares large amounts of chai, while another carries metal jugs of it onto trains. The latter person walks fast down the aisles to sell it. The chai served in plastic cups or clay ones that can be thrown away after, so the chaiwallahs don't have to 8. the cups. different ai is If + S + Ved /were L Chaiwallahs are 9. some of the cleverest tea sellers in the world. If VR at would / could I might they millions of people wouldn't have their daily tea. For Indíans, it is difficult to imagine life without this delicious drink! (B) 1. (A) For (B) 2. (A) trace ( 3. (A) known 4. (A) whom ( ) ) 5. (A) in ((A) is it poured () . (A) tribe 8. (A) bring back (B) 9. (A) by no means 在心中 (B) At (C) of = among (D) By (B) commute (C) scheme (B) know (C) to know (B) whose (C) which (B) on (C) under (B) it is poured (C) does it pour (B) sack (C) tactic (B) come with (C) drown out (B) without a doubt(C) at a time (D) transaction (D) knowing (D) who S (D) with (D) it pours (D) flaw (D) take in (D) in the end plates while others dishwashing area, system is flawless. T success is due togetherness. 註:Sikh 錫克教的 1. 6. 2. 7 B 七、篇章結構 (A) Once on the (B) This process (C) For exampl (D) Obviously airplane. Did you only around of them has meal from th as you'll se

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國文 高中


求尚有豬肉可食 現代詩 剔牙洛夫 因(紅) 中午/全世界的人都在剔牙/以潔白的牙籤/安詳地在/剔他們/潔白的牙齒//依索匹亞的 一群兀鷹/從一堆屍體中/飛起/排排蹲在/疏朗的枯樹上/也在剔牙/以一根根瘦小的/肋 骨 (節自《洛夫世紀詩選》,爾雅) 《出版人 LADE V7.本詩兩節多處以對比方式呈現「荒謬感」,下列分析最不適當的是: (A)以「全世界的人在觀看對比「依索匹亞難民的被觀看」 未提及 A (B)以文明國家的「飽足剔牙」對比落後國家的「飢餓致死」 (C)以「沒有生命的細小牙籤」對比「人體抽出的瘦小肋骨」 (D)以「飽足安詳」的午後動作對比「荒涼腐臭」的饑荒場面 taxtach UB 「也在剔牙/以一根根瘦小的/肋骨」使用倒裝句型,原句應為「也以一根根瘦小的肋骨 △,在剔牙」。下列詩句,亦運用倒裝句型的是: JA BRDA 文 (A)這世界/害怕明亮的思想/所有的叫喊/都被堵塞 生日蛋黃 (B)在不可說的年代裡/我們苦悶/如一堆河邊的石頭/看著芒草/舉著白旗搖晃次走 (C)面對夏末的驟雨/激辯不休/突然從地層深處響起/一陣嘩嘩的掌聲/當我雙手捧起一 把落葉當我双手捧起落葉,突然從地層深處響起/一陣嘩嘩的掌声。 (Q)祖先深愛的土地已經是別人的了/可是 天空還在/子孫勇猛的軀體也不再能是自己的 因辦熱钱了/可是靈魂還在

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