

英文 高中

想問大家 這兩段會怎麼用自己的話做英文摘要?

SCOBY [skobi]symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast [simbiottk] [jist](細菌和酵母菌共生培養;紅茶菌) 的首字母縮寫,symbiotic 表示「(動植物)共生的」,yeast 指「酵母菌)」。 FRI 5 TE Track 25 Facts about Kombucha 關於康普茶你該知道的事 -Helen Yeh Toad.cn You may have come across kombucha on restaurant menus and wondered what it was. If you had tried it, you would have noticed it tastes like fizzy vinegar. Recently, it has exploded in popularity.' But what's so special about this drink? Kombucha begins its life as a mixture of tea and sugar. The secret ingredient² that turns this sweetened tea into kombucha 10 is a pancake-shaped blob called a SCOBY, which is short for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. The SCOBY ferments* the tea by gradually converting the sugar into acids. vymy UVCI 2, Vuu years ago in China, where people drank it for its health-promoting benefits. As the story goes, a Korean doctor by the name of Kombu brought the tea from China 20 to Japan to cure an ailing emperor. From there, kombucha eventually made its way to Europe. While kombucha has been seen as a miracle cure for some diseases, there is no nedical evidence to support such claims. However, like other fermented products, combucha can aid in digestion and keep our gut healthy. And since it's lower in ugar than many sodas, it could also be a jood choice as a refreshing beverage. 翻譯請見第68頁

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