

英文 高中


二、綜合測驗 (10%) 三、文意選填 說明:第11 至20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 說明:第2 選出 答對 50. 第11至15題為題組 第21至30題卷 Ved to knit and share her work on social media. One particular scarf she was working on trouver comes followers atention. Having kiniteci al stripë each day representing the day's temperature, George was using her scarf to show the changing temperatures in her hometown. George is part of a trend that is turning knitting into 12 _ education. Another example of this movement is a group of 30 knitters in Philadelphia, US, who have been knitting scarves 13. 143 years' worth of temperature data. People viewing this display can see how an area's climate has changed over a period of time. A scarf representing Philadelphia's climate in 1875, for example, shows gentle shades of blue, 14 the 2018 scarf shows red yarn mixed among the dark blue tones. 15 makes this hobby special is that people can touch and wear the finished products. People are more likely to remember and think about information that they can feel as well as see. In that way, these "temperature scarves” make climate-change data hard to ignore. 111. (A) caught Au. (B) to catch (C) catching (D) catch D 12. (A) religious (B) medical (C) academic (D) environmental B13. (A) based on (B) thanks to (C) rather than (D) up to 14. (A) unless (B) because (C) while (D) whether A 15. (A) It (B) What (C) That (D) Which Moscow famous Reds known about What is six years to be the tallest an that wanted Two arc the cathedral some histori architect. So wouldn't be simply be a The or centuries. I Basil's don These Basic facts fires and w violent his 第16至20題為題組 (A) structu (F) nickna 四、篇章 Citizens and governments in South Korea and China have long exchanged sharp words. The latest cultural 16 is about the correct way to make kimchi. It started after officials in Sichuan, China, were successful in getting the International Standards Organization (ISO) to recognize one official method showing how pao cai is made. The trouble is that the Chinese name "pao cai” is applied to two dishes. One is a traditional Chinese dish that includes a variety of pickled and fermented vegetables. 17 pao cai is Korean kimchi, which is also pickled and fermented, but is made with one vegetable (cabbage) and a 說明:

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英文 高中


or said 過 ieaue 說 Wo je At 4 MSWIUV 「 ~-,綜合測驗 (占 15 分》) 細口 6題至第30 說明: 和 說抽 每題一 個 es 人 答, ,請依 上 品 文 選出 最過當的二 個選項,講童記在符索卡 間 零分討算。 | 該題以零分計算 答或如記多於一個選項老, | 喲為庄組 1 第46 至2 Ra 區1 答 0 還 Jetterpress Printing is a traditional foim 0f Qft relie: | 2mponenfs, Unfortunately, as new printi frintin 了at uses individually interchangeable 人ae 1 _simce fthe 1990s. Thou, ht Senee ttcneedjfr movable types has gone tb nefficient and dated nowWadays, 3 ,Inovable types 二 一六 說 rearly extinct: Today, the only found Ty 18 in the world that Still makes traditional Chinese | mowable bpes5 Ring TypeFoundry。 雍証 讓用 dm 1969 0 by Zhang Yili, Rixing Type Foundry is tucked away in af unremarkable 各eyway 妃 Taipei's Datong District.The current owner is the founder:s son, Zhang Jieguan 19 6 : itional Chinese movable types but als6 his fatherps legacy. Now, his vision gfor movable ]ead types to utfimately become a cultural symbol_In the future, Rixing plans to 20 Wigsleojet culture and history can be shared 2 fansfoTm 1ts space jmto an 遇2 8 不生生 2 了 1 2化 ivariety 也 our 包ture 同 6 放沿Me elivery (B) 讓 | 侶多on fhe contrary 8 on and 0主 (生 纖 sooner Qr later 說二 生)asaresutt |自此 相m je和 (B) is left @) that left (D) leaving 1 而4 包af SfrovVe (B) 也at Seek (0 , Who strlves (D) , whose aim (B) despite the fact that 史 it2s tifme that (0D) so 說 刀此 上 2 2 for fcear 也at M

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