

英文 國中


ng Thanks to weekend? bl. ep drinking bid drinking rked nths ago Bas 看圖詳答問題:每題2分,共10 分 八、閱讀測驗:每題2分,共4 五 a chef in a local restaurant a 19 Australia is famous for wheat, wool, gold, and coal. They grow food plants and raise animals, Their service industry is also very famous. These years, Australia is working hard on tourism. Its wonderful sights and animals get a large number of people to visit there every year. Because Australia is not far away from Asia, it becomes a new favorite for Asian students. If you under the age of 31, you can get a working holiday visa. With the visa, you can enjoy the life outside Asia, get different job choices, make money, and le English at the same time. U wheat 小麥 養育 service industry sights if wool coal Prow 1. What does Mark enjoy doing? America, He dog ene planting me 2. Did Eudora spend three hours studying yesterday? No, she hadet spend three how studying weiterelay - z 3. What are the Chen family planning to do? They Aplanning -2 4. Does Connie enjoy going to a concert (9) in Korea? Yes, she en concert en going in Korea 5. What did Josh begin to work as last month? waiter last month. raise tourism Also to USA D) 1. Why does Australia draw many As to a these years? (A) Because of its beautiful sight B) Because of its animals. (C) Because it has wheat, woc D) Because they don't have as a 六、依提示作答:每題3分,共 15 分

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國文 國中


随用練習 一、当積理解:清初課之之後,請回答下列問題,將正確答案填入()中。 - 做了人们珍珠和一枚又大又亮的銀幣。」關於造句詩的分析,下列敘述何者正 体? 川川耀的些以所夏夜增添進物的生命力四以明亮的滿月營造出夏夜熱鬧的 分開月明星柴之景,人夏夜華麗的感受 S珍珠與銀幣點级夜空,凸顯夏夜的 2蝴蝶和蜜蜂們帶著花朱的蜜糖回來了,/f隊和牛群告别了田野回家了,/火紅 的太陽也浪著火輪子回家了。」關於這段詩句的分析,下列敘述何者正確? A藉由 動物紛紛回家,以顯萬物面對黑夜時的不安 四呈現溫馨的畫面,預告夏夜的來臨 C以活潑的動態景觀,襯托夏夜來臨前的靜諡 G透過萬物的日落而息,對比出人 加早出晚歸的辛勞。 ();「來了!來了1/從山坡上輕輕地爬下來了。/來了!來了!/從椰子樹樹上輕輕 地爬下來了。」關於這段詩句的分析,下列敘述何者正確? A連用多次「來了」, 塑造黑夜迅速包覆大地的恐怖氛圍 四藉由「山坡」與「椰子樹」,凸顯夏夜有別於 其他季節的獨特景觀 C運用兩次「輕輕地」 表示夏夜是在不知不覺中悄悄降臨的 B以「爬下來」的動作,生動描寫夜色是由近而遠緩慢擴散的。 ()4「只有窗外瓜架上的南瓜還醒著,/伸長了藤蔓輕輕地往屋頂上爬。」這句詩主要 在說明下列何者? A寧靜的夏夜仍充滿生機 B藤蔓的滋長干擾深夜的靜謚 C夜 晚的來去總是悄無聲息 G自然萬物歡迎夏夜的到來。 第三課課、四課 )5關於本詩的寫作手法,下列敘述何者正確? 以擬人化的名詞,呈現活潑熱鬧的 夏夜氛圍 E從科學角度,分析夏夜裡萬物活動的現象C在豐富的夏夜景物中 寄託深刻的人生道理 G透過兒童口吻並發揮想像力,描繪夏夜景象 第一課」被

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