

英文 國中


國三上 第二課文法練習題 姓名: 依提示作答: ✓//1. Playing online games is interesting to many students. (1) Playing online game was interested to many students. 2. Vicky's sad story was surprising to us. (用過去分詞改寫句子) 3. Terry and David were excited about the basketball game. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓4. All the people at the theater were satisfied with the movie. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓5. The computer homework is boring to Jenny. (一般動詞改寫句子) 6. It is boring to Helen to spend her summer vacation staying at home all day. (請將此句以「某人對某事感到無聊的」改寫) ✓ 7. Children is excited about Halloween. They can go trick-or-treating on this holiday. (將兩句用「某事對某人是興奮的」合併成一句子) Children is exciting to go on Hall ✓ 8. Doing the same work bores Jane's father. ((a)♬ boring (b)♬ bored Jane's father. the same work (a) Donig is boving (b) Jane's farther is brored with doing to came work surprising ) 10 trick-or-treating V 9. The story surprises young people. ( oween. The story surpising to young people 10. Was everyone in the house surprised at the good news? ( Did...?7) 11. The answer to the question was satisfying to them all. (用 They 改寫句子) V Many people was inspiring 12. Many people were inspired by Nick's movie. (be inspiring to... 7) to Nick's movie 13. The class trip to Sun Moon Lake excites all of the students. (All of the students....07) 14. To eat the same food every day is boring to the boy. (用 The boy....改寫句子) The boy is boved to with eat the same 15. Every student excited about the game. same food (The game is....) food every every day. 1

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英文 國中


國三上 第二課文法練習題 姓名: 依提示作答: ✓//1. Playing online games is interesting to many students. (1) Playing online game was interested to many students. 2. Vicky's sad story was surprising to us. (用過去分詞改寫句子) 3. Terry and David were excited about the basketball game. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓4. All the people at the theater were satisfied with the movie. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓5. The computer homework is boring to Jenny. (一般動詞改寫句子) 6. It is boring to Helen to spend her summer vacation staying at home all day. (請將此句以「某人對某事感到無聊的」改寫) ✓ 7. Children is excited about Halloween. They can go trick-or-treating on this holiday. (將兩句用「某事對某人是興奮的」合併成一句子) Children is exciting to go on Hall ✓ 8. Doing the same work bores Jane's father. ((a)♬ boring (b)♬ bored Jane's father. the same work (a) Donig is boving (b) Jane's farther is brored with doing to came work surprising ) 10 trick-or-treating V 9. The story surprises young people. ( oween. The story surpising to young people 10. Was everyone in the house surprised at the good news? ( Did...?7) 11. The answer to the question was satisfying to them all. (用 They 改寫句子) V Many people was inspiring 12. Many people were inspired by Nick's movie. (be inspiring to... 7) to Nick's movie 13. The class trip to Sun Moon Lake excites all of the students. (All of the students....07) 14. To eat the same food every day is boring to the boy. (用 The boy....改寫句子) The boy is boved to with eat the same 15. Every student excited about the game. same food (The game is....) food every every day. 1

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數學 高中


Tuesday #NIT 1 ** 師名作選 圣豬〉 Wednesday 4 飛盤高爾夫 「混合題 UNIT 2 ** 運動趣聞 Thursday 5 飛盤高爾夫 混合題 UNIT 2 ** 運動超閱 已即可線上收聽 各單元的課文朗讀、單字朗讀 及課程講解喔! Friday UNIT 3 * 6 克漏字 音樂公路 Satur El Niño [El ninjo] Most Popular Top 來看看這陣子有哪些 熱門的話題吧! 焦點話題 心 源自西班牙文,有「男孩」和「幼 年基督」的雙重意思。十九世紀 時,秘魯漁夫發現每年聖誕節前後 會有一股沿著海岸往南流的暖流, 為紀念「聖恩」/FINIA-Y- 7. 大宇集團為了響應政府的節能政策,決定在未來5年中逐年依固定的 比率(當年和前一年排放量的比)調降集團的二氧化碳排放量,目標 是5年後的排放量降為目前排放量的75%。請問:若要達到這項目標, 4年至少要比前一年減少多少百分比的二氧化碳排放量? 包 CH1 總複習 6. 擔任審計工作的人有時會用班佛法則(Benford's law)來查帳。班佛 法則告訴我們:銀行存款最高位數字是n者的比例約為log(1+- ・請 問若依據這種說法,則銀行中存款金額最高位數字不超過3的比例約 為多少?(用四捨五入法取至小數第2位)【1-3指數與常用對數】 n 信風減弱,氣流停在太平河 因對流旺盛而形成歐 溫暖的海水往西流,使太平洋西 drought [draut] n. 乾旱、馬 wildfire [waild.fair] n. T 【例句El Nino is a weathe warmer ocean temp and affects global c 聖嬰現象是一種導致太平 候的天氣型態。

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