


เศรษฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัย

วิชา PRE380

2. A chemical company is considering options for eliminating harmless chemical sludge from the following 2 options. (1) Prepare the site for landfilling in the factory. This option requires the initial investment for purchasing the essential equipment 130,000 Baht. Each year there will also be a cost of landfill operation 95,000 baht per year. At the end of its service life of 3 years, the equipment used within the landfill site will have a salvage value of 20,000 baht. (2) Hire a chemical sludge removal contractor to remove sludge. The contract term must be 6 years. The cost of contract to be paid to the contractor are 110,000 Baht a year in year 1-2; 115,000 Baht in year 3; 120,000 Baht in year 4; 125,000 Baht in year 5; and 130,000 Baht in year 6. a) (13 marks) If the company finances the money for this project by borrowing from a bank in which the bank charges interest on loans at the rate of 3.86% per 6 months, compounded every month. Which option should this chemical company choose? b) (5 marks) The company executives believe that the option of establishing a landfilling site within the factory seems to be a more sustainable alternative for the company. If the selection in question a) above did not select the landfilling site option, please suggest how much the initial investment for purchasing the equipment should cost so that the landfill option would be selected (assume the same salvage value of the equipment)?

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัย

Present Perfect Continuous

9 Present Perfect Continuous (I've been cooking) 3 Here are some more examples: 1 We form the Present Perfect Continuous in this way: POSITIVE I/you/we/they have/'ve He/she/it been cooking. has/'s S NEGATIVE 1/you/we/they haven't He/she/it hasn't QUESTIONS Have 1/you/we/they he/she/it Has been cooking. }been cooking? (For details about -ing forms see Table C, on page 95.) 2 We use the Present Perfect Continuous for an action or situation that began in the past and continues until now: You're late! I've been waiting for you. We often use for and since with the Present Perfect Continuous. We use for with a period of time, and since with a point in time: I've been waiting for you for two hours. I've been waiting for you since 6 o'clock. PAST NOW Julia has been talking on the phone for an hour. (= She started talking on the phone an hour ago and she is still talking.) You've been sitting there since I o'clock. (= You started sitting there at one o'clock and you are still sitting there.) 4 We use the Present Perfect Continuous for actions that are done many times in a period. of time from the past until now: She's been having driving lessons for a couple of months. (= She started a couple. of months ago; she is still having lessons.) I've been playing tennis since I was a small child. 5 We can use How long with the Present Perfect Continuous: How long have you been living here? Practice A Write a sentence for each of the following situations, using the Present Perfect Continuous and for or since. 0 She started her course a month ago and she is still doing it. She has been doing her course for a month. 0 I started reading this novel last weekend and I'm still reading it. I have been reading this novel since last weekend. 1 It started raining at 3 o'clock and it is still raining. 2 He started playing chess when he was 10 and he still plays it. 3 I started work at 8 o'clock and I'm still working. 4 Helen started looking for another job two months ago and she's still looking. 5 We arrived here two hours ago and we're still waiting. B Put for or since into the gaps. 0 I've been working in this office since 1 Have you been doing this course 2 I've been driving this car 3 She has been planning the party 4 George has been telling the same stories 5 We've been waiting for a reply 6 What have you been doing. 7 You've been writing that letter 8 He's been feeling ill phone to someone all afternoon. a few days. C Complete these dialogues by putting the verbs in brackets ( ) into the Present Perfect Continuous. last summer. a long time? more than ten years. A: When did you arrive in London? B: Two weeks ago. A: Where have you been staying B: 1¹ But I am going to move to my own flat.next week. A: Hallo. What are you doing here? B: I'm waiting to see the manager. I 2 (wait) for half an hour. A: She's very busy. She 2 A: I didn't know that you could play the piano. B: Oh yes, I rain save study read make learn watch play the beginning of the month. several years. we wrote to them last week. the last time that I saw you? more than two hours. 0 She has been learning. 1 It 2 We 3 4 1 Wendy A: How long B: I started looking immediately after I lost my old job. I 6 5 We 6 The people next door. 7 I (you/stay)? (stay) with some friends in their flat. D Choose the best verb from the box to complete each sentence. Use the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb. (talk) on the (have) piano lessons for a year. (you/look) for a job? (apply) for jobs for about six months. Spanish for six months. for hours; the roads are very wet. this game for hours. Let's stop! French at school for three years. this book for months, but I haven't finished it yet. this programme for hours. a lot of noise all day. my money for a holiday.

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัย

Present perfect

1 B Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets ( ). 0 Don't take my plate away. I haven't finished (not/finish) my meal. 1 A: What's that book about? B: I don't know. I 2 I 3 My father 4 A: I B: Yes madam, what's your name, please? SI 6 I'm not sure what the problem with the car is. It (not/read) it. (lose) my pen. Can I borrow yours, please? (buy) an expensive, new car. (book) a room here for tonight. 7 A: B: No I haven't, but I'll do it soon. C Write this conversation using the Present Perfect and the words in brackets (). Rob: (you/ever / want /to work in another country?) Have you ever wanted to work in another country? (make) some sandwiches. Would you like one? Brian: (Yes, in fact I / work/ abroad.) 1 2 (not/happen) before. (you/reply) to that letter from the bank? (I/work/ in Ireland and in Brazil) 3 (What about you? / you / ever/have/ a job abroad?) 4 Rob: (No, I never / want to leave my home town.) 6 (I / live / here for twenty years, and I / never / think/ of working abroad.) Brian: (Really? Well, I / apply for another job abroad.) D Make sentences with the Present Perfect and for or since. 0 (I/not/play/tennis/ last summer.) I haven't played tennis since last summer. 1 (1/know/her/ more than ten years.) 2 (I/not/eat / anything/lunchtime.) 3 (you/live/ in this town / a long time?) 4 (Jill/be/ a good friend/ we were at school together.) 5 (you/see/Jack/ the party last week?)

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัย


18:35 < document Mr. Vanny Heng_ESL Teacher_Level 4 B Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Bethany Hamilton only surfed on the weekend. 2. Bethany Hamilton won competitions before she was 10. 3. Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a shark 4 Bethany Hamilton stopped surfing for three months. 5. Eric Yuan drove for 10 hours to see his girlfriend. B. Eric Yuan tried to get a visa oight times. 7. Eric Yuan started his company the year he arrived in the US. & Eric Yuan has a wife. C Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past of the verbs parentheses. (travel) alone for the first time. I (2). At the age of 13, 1(1). to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. 1). far, but my mother (4) on the airplane and B) (0) airport and 8). two weeks, and I (11) (sit) next to me. My grandparents (B). (take) me to their home. I (10). my first time in Los Angeles, and I (13). the end, I (14). BLESSONS LEARNED (not, want) to go home! 2. Studying is important, & The study group meets on (have) so much fun with them! It (12). 4 I've been preparing for & She's taking guitar & I hope to get good 1. Did you -(go) (feel) very nervous about traveling so (get) (say). "Don't worry. You'll be fine." I (5) (talk) for a long time to a very nice woman who (meet) me at the (stay) there for VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR A Match the sentence halves. 1. Which classes are Mr. Vanny Heng_ESL Teacher_Level 4 (30 .(be) (see) lots of really interesting places. In a. grades this time. b. but we can have fun, too. B Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. Use the simple past. be find get go live finish When Chang was young, his family (1) (2) (4) 4G+ + 48% | c. my final exams for months. d. lessons after work. LIVEWORKSHEETS TF T F T F T F T F T F move TF TF e. you taking this year? f. Thursday afternoons in the library. 9. pass or fail? want in a small town. When he was eight, they to Shanghai. Chang (1) a good education there. He college when to become a computer programmer. He (5). he was 20 years old. Then he ). to New York City for a job interview. Chang (7) very lucky, and he got the job. He also (8). a cheap apartment, which was also very lucky, Chang invited his parents to visit him, but it was too far for them to travel. Q WL2 : WL2 1/2 LIVEWORKSHEETS 2/2

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แพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัย


10:56 ศ. 10 พ.ย. X 00 00 บทที่ 9 Lo Fi X block, SpO2 บทที่ 10 89 % ... บทที่ 9 กรณีศึกษา 2 : หัวใจเต้นจังหวะช้า (dysrhythmia and heart block) บทที่ 11 วินิจฉัย : third degree A-V block ผู้ป่วยหญิง 30 ปี ญาตินำส่งที่ห้องฉุกเฉิน ด้วยอาการหมดสตินานประมาณ 1 นาที ขณะนั่งดูโทรทัศน์ หลังจากนั้น ตื่นรู้ตัวดี เวียนศีรษะ หน้ามืด มือเท้าเย็น บทที่ 12 THOWO TO TOTI JOT. แบบVTIUUN มีประวัติเป็น hypothyroidism รับประทานยา levothyroxine แต่ขาดยามานาน 1 เดือน ตรวจร่างกายพบ HR 40 ครั้ง/นาที, BP 100/60 mmHg, EKG 12 leads พบ third degree AV การรักษา : ตาม algorithm ในกรณีหัวใจเต้นผิดจังหวะช้า: heart block และ ทำ pacing ต่อมา วางแผนทำ permanent pacemaker ล 90% HV7

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