

英語 高校生

進研WINSTEP 短期集中 高2 英語vol.2の Unit4 step3の解答持ってる方いませんか💦 教えて欲しいです🙏🏻

10 STEP 3 読解問題にアプローチ iOC 目標 完了表現に注意して読もう。 月 (2年11月改) 目標時間 20 分 S 筆者が小学1年生の時の出来事。 学校で足が痛み、先生たちが靴を脱ぐよう促すが、筆者はどうしても脱 ごうとしない。 POINTE Mr. Stewart lifted me onto his desk. “Let me take a look.” He was just about to take the shoe off when I saw the hole. I grabbed the shoe and pulled it on and held it. The stinging hurt more, the tighter I held onto the shoe. POINTCO "Why won't you let us take off your shoe ?" Mr. Stewart asked as he looked from me to 5 Miss Bell and back at me in puzzlement. Miss Womble, the fifth-grade teacher, came into the office. “Can I help? I know her; she lives next door to me." “I suspect ants are in her shoes and stinging *the living daylights out of her, but she won't let us take off her shoes,” said Miss Bell. POINT Miss Womble was a great neighbor. She had even played *Annie-over with us on occasion. She put both hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my worried, red eyes. "Oh, yes," she said, as if remembering a fact. "I had a bite from one of those ants. Did you know they are sock eaters ? By the time I got my shoe off, that ant had eaten almost the entire bottom off my sock.” She nodded her head up and down as she looked at the other two adults. 15 “Must be sock-eater ants.” POINT POINT >> They returned the nod, as if they also had been bitten by sock-eating ants. “Let me see here.” She freed my heel from the shoe. “Just what I thought. Those sock ants have eaten part of her sock.” POINT Miss Bell opened the medicine cabinet, got a cotton ball, and *saturated it with alcohol. 20 Miss Womble slipped off my shoe and sock and shook both of them over the gray trash bucket. Two red ants fell into the waiting container. A stray one ran for the wall, but Mr. Stewart's shoe stopped him. My *swollen foot throbbed. My stomach hurt. My head ached. Stroking the alcohol ball across the angry bites, Miss Womble lifted her head and smiled at me. “I think she's going to be okay now," she said, as she looked toward the two adults. The bell rang, ending the break period. “It's class time,” Mr. Stewart said, as he and Miss Bell hurried to their jobs. (イ) The alcohol felt cool on the stings. POINT “You were a pretty brave girl to take that many bites. I think you should leave this shoe and sock off for a while." She helped me off the desk. “Wait for me after school, and we'll walk home together.” POINT Pride can be a wonderful, terrible thing. I knew that Miss Womble had saved my pride ith (ウ) her sock-eating ant story. (エ) She had seen that Ⅰ would rather be stung to death POINT POINTO POINT ■an let others see my poverty. This kind, understanding teacher had taught me a lesson of > POINT >> mpassion that I have tried to use in my thirty-seven years of teaching. itd) an (481W) =the living daylights out of her = とてもひどく Annie-over = ゲームの一種 *saturate = ~を浸す *swollen = 腫れた - From Cup of Comfort for Teachers by Colleen Sell Copyright © 2004, by Simon & Schuster, Inc. [formerly F+W Media, Inc.J. Used with permission of the publisher. 単語を調べよう! Check your vocabulary! □ be (just) about to不定詞 ( ■ take off ~( □ suspect □angry 形 ( ( □ in puzzlement ( ) □ by the time ~ ) □ compassion 名 ( [問1] 下線部 (ア)について, この疑問文から伝わるMr. Stewart (スチュアート先生)の心情を次の文のよ うに表したい。英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。 (3点) He is ( ). 2 confused 2 まあ、こんなものか。 4 わあ、 かっこいい。 |TOTAL 1 angry 3 excited 4 happy [問2] 下線部(イ)の状況で、筆者が心の中で発した言葉として考えられるものとして, 最も適当なもの を、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。 (3点) 1 ああ、よかった。 傷の痛みがひんやりと気持ちよく 感じられている状況から推測して みよう。 3 もう. いた~い。 [3] 下線部 (ウ)とはどのようなものか、 次のようにまとめたい。 下の2つの問い (①,②)に答えよ。 Womble (ウォンブル) 先生の(a) 気持ちから (b)_ ウォンブル先生がどんな 気持ちから何を話したの かを読み取る。 ① 空所(a)に入る日本語を答えよ。 ( 3点) [5] 筆者は現在、何をしている人と考えられるか。 英語で答えよ。 (3点) ② 空所(b)に入れるのに最も適当なものを下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。 (2点) 1 思い出した史実 2 思いついた理論 3 つくりあげた話 4 生み出した冗談 [問4] 下線部 (エ)を日本語になおせ。 (7点) (2) 並べ替え あなたのお写真をじっくり拝見させてください。 (4点) 〔good/let/a/look/at/ your picture / take / me 〕. ) ) - 直後の文で述べられているスチュ アート先生の様子に着目。 (3) 和文英訳 けさ 私の車がどうしても始動しなかった。 (3点) 過去完了 had seen に気をつけて → 訳そう。 POINT REVIEW< STEP0~2の英文を参考に解いてみよう! (1) 英文和訳 They had been married for six years when they had their first child. (3点) 本文全体の流れを把握したうえで 最後の文を見てみよう。 RE

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