

英語 中学生


(*印の付いている単語·語句には, 本文のあとに [注] がある。) There are many museums and *theme parks around Tokyo. Some of them teach people about the history of Japan, like *Edo Wonderland in Nikko and the "Edo-Tokyo Museum in Ryogoku. They are popular places for school trips because students can enjoy learning about Japanese history. I remember one of my school trips. When I was a student in Australia, we went on a school trip to Old Sydney Town. It was a theme park that *recreated the *past, just nke Edo Wonderland in Nikko. Old Svdnev Town was an hour away from Sydney Dy bus. 1t had more than 30 buildings. They were made in the same 'style as buildings in 1803. Many *actors were working at the theme park. They *wore old-style clothes, spoke old-style English, and "pretended to live in the town. “Horse-drawn wagons went up and down the streets. upin My friends and I were excited to see the actors' "performances. People drank at a "pub, sang old songs and danced in the streets. Some of them pretended to “fight a duel Some museum “staff gave us short history lessons, and we enjoyed listening to them very much. I remember Old Sydney Town was very exciting, because it brought us to another world. Old Sydney Town closed about 30 years after it opened. Many people visited there at first, but the number of people visiting there "gradually went down. The buildings started to become old. and more and more actors left Old Sydney Town. There were a lot of people who enjoyed visiting Old Sydney Town when they were children. And later, they took their own children there, but they said it was not as exciting as before. Why did Old Sydney Town close? There are many different "opinions about it. Some people say young people now like to play video games, and these young people think that a trip through time is not very exciting. Other people believe that Old Sydney Town did not *attract many people because it could not make new and exciting *entertainment. Times change and people also change. New "technology and the Internet can make new kinds of entertainment, and people can enjoy them at home. New building *materials can now make buildings that look like something from the future. New technology will make us more surprised. But it is also very important for us to keep old culture and entertainment. Maybe some of these things are not seen in everyday life, but they make a "link with the past. For example, if you go to see kabuki, maybe you will think about Japanese people who lived in the past. Culture *is made up of all the things people did in the past, and it makesa country and its people "unique. If we forget about the past, then we lose our culture. 10

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英語 高校生


18。N*関係代名詞。 LE マと文をむすぶ接続詞のはたらさと、 開のはたらきを兼わz、 画係代名詞といいます。 文をむすふ同にとの関係代名詞を用いるを 先行詞 主 格 所有格 目的格 先行詞と格によって決まります。 Cbow 9d eb whose who(whom) 人 who which w 1o 物 which whose 人·物 that that 1 主格の関係代名詞 I have a friend who lives 2 所有格の関係代名詞 Sydney.(私にはシドニーに住んでいる友達がいます。) 3 目的格の関係代名詞 (彼女が私にくれた人形はとてもかわいい。) The doll that she gave me is very pretty. 0a0o gD 0DdDaD AロAロ J00 SCnoilaie oe0od wor 1 10 oy A 次の文の( )の中に適当な関係代名詞を入れなさい。 0 That is a bus goes to Yokohama Station. 2 He gave me the book( ) cover was yellow. ) played the part of Hamlet. Jodiw husband is dead is calleda widow. 3 He is an actor( ④ A woman( 5 This is the T-shirt )I bought in Hawaii. 6 There are many foreigners( ) speak Japanese well. 本日き文英の式 0 abiead ogeugmsl gienol 19dious 19teem of Tol v1s ad B 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 0 The lady that you met at the station is my English teacher. on 2sw ii gA 2 There are many children who don't like carrots. 1ert 2anb baT orr 2t il ¥9ura 3 Is that the boy you had a date with yesterday? の This is the song which is very popular among young people now. C 次の文を英語で書きなさい。 0 これは昨日兄がつかまえた魚です。 os nol woH 2 トムと話している少女はナオミです。 20 Primer

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英語 高校生


、 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように, ( )内に週語を入れなさい. 、 どの As she had already read the magaZine, She gave it {0 jer fiiend, 1 【 砂MZ2 。 )( 2 ) ( 密〆Z ) the magazine, she gave 放 9 er 后jed. Because Tom has never studied RYench, he cannot understand her speech, | L( 7 )( 履/ ) ( ZZ ) French, Tom cannot understand her speecjh. ae 1 didnt have breakfast, I feel hungry。 ( )( Aみ )( 7 )(了勿故7 ),Tfeel hangy 2) 3) = 難文の( )内の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい. (テ全) 1) ocked, being, the door), we could not enter the room. 2 必2と 太2 Zzz , we could not enter the room. 2) (a holiday, yesterday。 being, iD, there were a lot of people on fhe beach. ゲークーんが72の , there were a lot of people on the beach. 3) (soccer, speaking, oD, which is Your favorite team? 多2ら27 のzzと which is your fねvorite team? 4) (his, from, accent, judging), he must be from the Kyushu district. 7の みみクー な 22 , he must be from fhe Kyushu district. 5) Dick began to talk with (his back, turned, me, to)- Dick began to talk wih 7222 みん /グ / 夫。 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい. 1) Strictly speaking, strawberries are not fruits. 歳 厩2作を /プ2 / タチ。 2ルーダン 2) There being nothing to do, I stayed home. 奇を 72 ととze な/ クィグ 履と アン 3) She was cooking in the kitchen, her children playing in the garden. 妙ナ7 各 チェィ/ 砂をzz2. 7と7 2大んアタ/チとをっ 4) Well have a barbecue on the beach next Sunday, weather permitting. (一医誠) 上 ん77 銀 裕 の9少/< どーチタ2///- の7子。-をし の。 5) Having been working in Sydney, Jack knows much about the city. 用ピニー タ//久7Zルタッァん 用称グチ= 2//z <人(ッッンプ。

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英語 高校生

高1女子です! beのAdvancedのlesson2、3のExercises(写真)の解答を教えてください_(。。)_

【1】 complete the sentences. 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 1 衝はこのスニーカーを2年前に買って, まだ履いています。 T( )these sneakers two years ago andTsti1( )them. 2 私は子どものころ, にんじんが好きではありまそせんでした。 I( )( )cmrrotswhenr( )achid 3. 私は以前,ハリーという名前のハムスターを飼っていました。 1( )( )( )ahamster named Harry. Complete ths sentences. 1. 友だちが私を訪 1( 。)( ) my face when a friend ofmine( )me. 2. 私が駅で彼女を見たとき, 彼女は直子をかぶっていました。 She( )( )ahatwhenI( )heratthestation. 3. 彼はいつも お金を貯める方法を探してばかりいました。 皿B人(itOEWaSSiPDisavE mo 。 私は顔を洗っているところだっ Choose the right words. 1. 私の兄はきっと東京の大学に出販するだろう。 My brother [ will / is going to] apply to universities in Tokyo. 2. 彼らはこの週末にその映画を見る予定だ。 They [wi / are going to ] see the movie this weekend、 3. 家に帰ったら, 父は夕食の準備をしているでしょ う。 My father [is / will be ] preparing dinner when get home Change the verbs into the correct form. 1. fit (rain ) tomorrow, the ceremony will be held in the gym. 2. When Akira ( come ) to the classroom, please hand this book to him. 3. TII open the box after he (leave ) the room. 4 Twont disturb you until you ( finish ) your homework. Translate the sentences into English, using the words in brackets.「合 1 見と私は共は公園に行って, フリスピーをしたもるのでした。 [play Frisbee ] 2. 停電になったとき, 私は自分の部屋でテレビを見ていました。 [ the power / go out ] 3 私の多は来週 出情でロンドンに向かいます。 [ leave /cn business ] 3旨生に したあと, 父親の仕事を手伝うでしょう。 [ help with / graduate ]

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