

英語 高校生


1 Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. (1) Most stores in the Seaside Mall used to ( ) at 10:00 a.m. every day. 1 open 2 opens ③ opened 【関西学院大】 ④ opening (2) There were many people who ( ) to be served at the (1) 参 p. (2) 【立教大 】 その他 参 Þ counter before me. 1 had waited 2 have waited ③ was waiting 4 were waiting (3) Stamps ) in post offices. 【岡山商科大 *】 (3) 参 「する 1 sell 2 are selling 3 have sold 4 are sold pists (4) This soup ). (4) 参 S+V ①is tasting bitter tastes bitter (5) John and his brother ( days. Something must have 1 were absent 3 have been absent 2 is tasting bitterly 4 tastes bitterly from school for the past nine happened to his family. (5) 参 状態 2 absented 4 are absent (6) "Do you think Margaret will take one of your little cats?" (6) 参 第 "I don't know. She seemed ( ) in them, however." see ①to be interest 2 interesting 【 青山学院大 】 3 interested 4 interestingly (7) My mother has just ( ) to the supermarket. Now she's (7) home. 1 gone went ③3 visited been (8) Satoshi has wanted to ( ) his girlfriend since he was in (8) college. O marry 2 marry to 3 marry with 4 get married (9) Mr. Wallance will meet his friends at the restaurant to ( ) about their vacation plans. (9) 【京都外国語大 * 】 1 discuss 2 mention 3 express 4 talk (10) I ( ) for a parking place for half an hour, but I can't find [(10) 【亜細亜大】 one. 1 look 2 could look 3 will look 4 have been looking

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英語 高校生


III. Aaron と Mayuka との間に, 自然な会話が成立するように,空欄 ( 31 ) から ( 40 ) に入る最も適切な表現を, a.〜d. の中から1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式) の所定の解答欄にマークしなさい。 Aaron: So, Mayuka, after you graduate, ( 31 ) Mayuka: Well, I'm thinking of taking some time off and traveling for a while. Do you know about working holidays? Aaron: I've heard of them, but I don't know very much about them. Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: (31) (32) (33) (34) Well, in certain countries you can work while you travel. (32) it's easy to extend your trip. (33) But actually, I think I want to start work right away. Oh really? What kind of company would you like to work for? (34) A big company would be great for long-term stability. But it might be a little bit boring. That's true. How about ( 35 ) I think I'd really love that. It seems really exciting and I think it would involve innovative thinking. But I'm a bit worried the pay might be lower than I want, and of course it's always possible that the company ( 36 ) Yeah I guess it's tough making decisions about where to work. If you could work anywhere, what would your dream job be? I'd like to work somewhere where ( 37 ) Maybe a green business of some sort? What would your dream job be? I'd like to start my own business and help to revitalize the economy in my hometown! It's in the countryside, here in Japan. Oh! What kind of business ( 38 ) I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to use the experience I get on my working holiday to try to figure out what kind of business would be best. I'd like to start a business that combines (39) with international marketing opportunities. Wow! (40) a. do you have anything to do? b. what do you have to do? c. what do you want to do? d. do you want something to do? a. Since you can earn money while you're abroad b. You should add more days to your trip so c. Since it's interesting to work abroad d. Because you have never been abroad a. Keep telling me! b. It doesn't make sense. c. What a shock! d. That sounds great! a. It's already been decided! b. It's hard to decide. c. What have you decided? d. That's not a difficult decision.

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英語 高校生

高3 英語表現です。 合っているかのチェックと、あれば訂正もお願いします。

STRESEMO SI In many cases, *cyber-bullying can be even more painful than face-to-face bullying. A lot of cyber-bullying can be done without using a real name, (1)( ) you may not be sure who is targeting you. This can make you feel even more threatened and can encourage bullies, (2)( ) they believe online secrecy means they're less likely to 秘密にすること おどされる いじめをする人 get caught. Since cyber-bullies can't see your reaction, they will often go much further in 〜ので ) they would do face-to-face with you. farate their harassment or ridicule (3)( 冷やかし (Adapted from Dealing with Bullying and Cyber-bullying by HelpGuide.org) (注)*cyber-bullying: コンピュータや携帯電話, ソーシャルネットワークなどを利用したいじめ ameldorg Inanitouha a'cijama Jarít (1) Ⓡ still (2) 1 as (3) 1 so that and pas 2 nevertheless 3 otherwise にもかかわらず さもなければ 5 but 2 though Kithet 2 such that 3 but however 3 than MTU 3 because 4 before when s vous diely you? Hosely odi otai genom gnigned Jaemmourvne yaibanorve adi bas orent page 4 4 unless 2 mnib sa roue olil magitom robom ~ように Sound travels in the same way as water waves (1) 2 still pond. The water is perfectly still (2)( O the stone falls in, waves are sent out in all directions. ) the stone hits the water. But once travels in all directions It is important to realize that sound spreads out (3) from its source. You can, (4)( 6 ), direct some sounds, for example, the human voice by using a megaphone. This makes the voice seem louder, (5)( is pointing the sound in one direction rather than letting it spread out (6) Ⓡ ) in fact it ) it would normally. ~ない限り 4 when 文章問題 Diw ob of saidton syar ns of alushur n (大阪医科大) noun at vide ) a stone is thrown into a (名古屋工業大)

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英語 高校生


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (1). „Why do batteries matter? Look at all your electronic devices: from laptops to smartphones to Kindles or iPads, even your watch. Those electronics are getting more energy-efficient and require less energy than they used to. But as they do, people get greedy and want their capabilities to increase. The battery, or how much energy you can 05 store in a given volume and weight, is the defining factor in this whole field. Then there are electric cars. If we can make batteries with double the "energy TR2Z density of today's and drive the price below $200 per "kilowatt-hour (versus $300 to $800 today, depending on type and weight), we could have a car with a 300-mile range, even with the air conditioner or heater turned up, that would sell for $25,000 to $30,000. The 10 Department of Energy's goal is to get batteries to $150 per kilowatt-hour by the year 2020. 01 Finally, there are the "utility-scale batteries, which are very important for renewable TR28 energy. Wind and solar power are going to become more common. Wind is already the second-cheapest form of new energy, after shale gas, and it will become the cheapest 15 15 within a decade. Right now "utility companies get about 4 percent of their power from renewable sources other than "hydro- and that 4 percent is roughly all from wind. We may see a day when renewables make up 50, 60, 70 percent of the total supply of energy. Utility companies will need batteries to stabilize the flow of renewable energy into the *grid, and also require a better electrical control system to (3)do the switching. People 20 may have these batteries at their homes instead of generators. All of this would create a huge market. But the effects would be more profound. T There are mountainous places even in the U.S., like western Alaska, that will never be connected to the electric grid. There aren't enough people, and the distances are too great. There are many parts of South Asia like this, too. But they will have solar and 25 wind power - which, in 10 or 15 years, are going to be as cheap as any other form of energy, or cheaper. Once you have "storage systems, you can put a little "solar installation on your roof or "a plot of land, and then you will have your electric supply! It will be like cellphones' "leapfrogging the "land-line era. It will transform the prosperity of the world. 【Notes】 energy density エネルギー密度 (ここでは電池の容量を意味する) kilowatt-hour キロワット時 (1キロワットの機器を1時間使ったときの消費電力量) utility-scale 電力供給に使う規模の hydro utility company t storage 貯蔵 (ここでは電気を蓄えておくことを意味する) grid solar installation a plot of land 一画の土地 land-line 地上 (の電話) 線 by a factor of two (増減の幅が)2倍で (50pts.) leapfrog 〜を一足跳びにする

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英語 高校生


V. 次の 36 36 37 1 - 38 39 40 2 3 4 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 40 の各組の英文の中で, 下線部に間違いがあるものを,それぞれ の中から一つずつ選びなさい。 The economist mentioned the necessity of reducing taxes. He once suffered a heavy loss on the stock market. We can't hope a quick economic recovery from the global recession. I'm searching all the folders on this computer for the missing file. The substance is said to have an anti-aging effect. There is a large difference in quality between the two products. Investors have a deep interest in the growing IT company. The typhoon has caused a great damage to the Kanto region. I didn't know our schedule had canceled until you told me so. I'd be at home having dinner now if I had caught the 6:00 train. Cindy moved to Los Angeles after she had graduated from college. Ron had been with the company for five years when he decided to change jobs. Dioxin is known to cause cancer in animals. The boy is being trained to be a pro tennis player by his father. She never imagined her husband to have such a serious disease. She invited her mother to stay with her while her husband was out of town. The new tax system was criticized for being too complicated. 2 The doctor felt his leg for checking if the bone was broken. This is a popular drug used for treating high blood pressure. I envy him for having many chances to travel abroad on business.

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